Using relais instead of motor driver

Hello, I am on the way building an all terrain robot for a competition and I am thinking of using relais instead of a driver with 12v motors ( 4 motors ) cause last time I've used it it been damaged and my robot also had some controlling problems ( motors wouldn't work appropriately so could anyone help me with that because I am not sure if it will work.
By the way I am using Arduino and HC 05 bluetooth

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You will loose the ability to control the speed (you can't toggle a relay on/off at high speed).

I assume you are using DC motors. Stepper motors need a driver and servos have the driver built-in.

If you don't need speed control, relays can work with a DC motor. If you need to reverse the motor, you need one relay for direction and another for on/off.

But relays also need a driver, or you can get relay boards with a built-in driver, or you can get solid state relays that don't need a driver. With solid state relays, make sure to get one rated to switch/control DC.