Using the Arduino AS a PS2 Controller

Hello guys!

I googled for ages and couldn't find anything about using an Arduino AS PS2 Controller, not using a PS2 Controller for an Arduino project.

Short question: Does anyone know any library, some code or anything i could use for such a project?
I just want to simulate a few buttons (for example pressing the X button) automatically.

I hope someone knows anything about that.

Kind regards, ArdSilver

Sorry for my bad English, I tried my best.

I googled for ages and couldn't find anything about using an Arduino AS PS2 Controller, not using a PS2 Controller for an Arduino project.

I believe the main problem is the same, and using PS2 to control Arduino is a good place to start. You need to know what the PS2 is saying when you push the X button, irrespective of whether you want to Arduino to obey the command or send the same command somewhere else. The latter is probably the easy part.

Your English is fine. No textese, gonnas or wannas, or obvious signs of incompetance or laziness, and starting sentences with capital letters is a really good idea.