How can I use timer interrupts in a class library? I need function ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) to have full access to the class resources (at least the public resources).
Static resources or ones belonging to an instance of the class?
Resources belonging to an instance I guess (declared in the class braces).
An ISR has to address static things. It can't know about instance A or instance B. So you might need a "helper" function or something that can resolve exactly which instance of the class you want to affect.
I admit I don't know a great deal about how classes work.
The class will only have one instance (due to the HW resources it's impossible to have multiple instances). I'm using a class, because it's a nice way to tie things together, and to have both private and public resources.
I think maybe I should ditch the class, and make "private" stuff static instead.
What do you suggest?
Something that might complicate matters a bit, is the fact that this library is taking advantage of another library (which uses a class).
You could use a namespace.
A class with only one instance is OK, I guess. Just keep that instance in a global (static) variable and then the ISR can refer to it.
A class is like a group of things (like dogs). An instance is one dog (like Rover) which belongs to the class "dogs".
I sort of understand classes, but I don't know all the finicky things that make them not work.
So for now I will just use functions and prototypes, with no namespace or class. However, I need this library of functions create an instance and have access to a class of a different library. How can I do that?
Include the .h file for that class. Make an instance. It's hard to be more specific without knowing more details.
"FIFOClass" is the name of the class I want to create an instance of
Here is how I normally create an instance:FIFOClass FIFO;
Is that the proper syntax to create an instance? The compiler complains "error: 'FIFOClass' does not name a type".
In the library .h file I #include d the .h file for the class, like this:#include <FIFO.h>
Show the whole thing. Not just two lines. Also copy and paste all the error messages.
Is this a main sketch, a library, what?
A tip though, the compiler won't copy the library to the temporary folder it compiles in if the include file is not also in the main sketch (.ino file).
[quote author=Nick Gammon link=topic=124558.msg936296#msg936296 date=1348702675]A tip though, the compiler won't copy the library to the temporary folder it compiles in if the include file is not also in the main sketch (.ino file).[/quote]Why not? It certainly is supposed to!
Okay, so if I point the compiler directly at the file e.g. #include <C:\Users... and specify the entire path, then I get a different set of errors as follows:
RCXIR\RCXIR.cpp.o: In function `RCXIRsetup(unsigned char, unsigned char)':
C:\Users\Family\Dropbox\Matt's Technology\Arduino\Sketch Book\libraries\RCXIR/RCXIR.cpp:18: multiple definition of `FIFO'
RCXIR_Test.cpp.o:(.bss.FIFO+0x0): first defined here
RCXIR_Test.cpp.o: In function `global constructors keyed to FIFO':
RCXIR_Test.cpp:(.text._GLOBAL__I_FIFO+0x4): undefined reference to `FIFOClass::FIFOClass()'
RCXIR\RCXIR.cpp.o: In function `global constructors keyed to FIFO':
RCXIR.cpp:(.text._GLOBAL__I_FIFO+0x4): undefined reference to `FIFOClass::FIFOClass()'
I know that the FIFO library compiles fine. I've worked out many general errors within the RCXIR library, but the library is new (certainly far from finished), and most likely some errors still exist (won't know until it compiles without error for once).
#include <RCXIR.h>
void setup()
// This code will only run once, after each powerup or reset of the board
void loop()
// This code will loops consecutively
* Matthew Richardson
* matthewrichardson37<at>
* Initial date: Sep. 26, 2012
* Last updated: Sep. 26, 2012
* You may use this code as you wish, provided you give credit where it's due.
* This is a library for the Arduino to send and receive IR messages with a Lego RCX.
#ifndef RCXIR_h
#define RCXIR_h
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <FIFO.h>
// Variables...
// Use static for .cpp file specific variables.
// define variables in .h as well, using extern for global variables.
static volatile byte ISRloc = 0; // A pointer into the byte currently being sent. 0 is inactive, 1-11 for active position (based on start bit, data bits, parity, and stop bit).
static volatile byte ISRlocPul = 0; // A pointer into the pulse currently being sent. 0 is inactive, 1-32 for active position.
static byte BIT[9]; // An array that will contain the bit values of the byte being sent (and the parity bit).
static byte Pin_tx;
static byte Pin_rx;
byte RCXIRsetup(byte pin_tx, byte pin_rx);
byte RCXIRflush();
void RCXIRwrite(byte ByteCount, byte * OutArray);
int RCXIRread();
void __Trigger(void);
void __SetTimer(int);
void __SetTimerUS(unsigned int);
void __SetTimerMS(unsigned int);
* Matthew Richardson
* matthewrichardson37<at>
* Initial date: Sep. 26, 2012
* Last updated: Sep. 26, 2012
* You may use this code as you wish, provided you give credit where it's due.
* This is a library for the Arduino to send and receive IR messages with a Lego RCX.
#include "RCXIR.h"
byte RCXIRsetup(byte pin_tx, byte pin_rx){
Pin_tx = pin_tx;
Pin_rx = pin_rx;
// return FIFO.CreateBuffer(64);
byte RCXIRflush(){
void RCXIRwrite(byte ByteCount, byte * OutArray){
int RCXIRread(){
void __Trigger(){
void __SetTimerUS(unsigned int Time){ // US to wait. Up tp 32767.5 us (32.7675 ms).
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = 0;
OCR1A = Time * 2;
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11);
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
void __SetTimerMS(unsigned int Time){ // MS to wait. Up to 1048.56 ms.
long L_Time = Time * 125;
L_Time = L_Time / 2;
TCCR1A = 0;
TCCR1B = 0;
OCR1A = L_Time;
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12);
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
void __SetTimer(int Length){
case 0:
Length = 13; // should be 13.157894736842105263157894736842 uS based on 38kHz carrier. Should be 13.020833333333333333333333333333 based on 2400 baud.
case 1:
Length = 417; // should be 416.66666666666666666666666666666 uS based on 2400 baud.
ISRloc controls which bit is being sent
ISRlocPul controls which pulse of a 0 bit is being sent
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) // Timer interrupt triggered.
if(ISRloc){ // Was I in the middle of a byte?
if(ISRlocPul){ // Was I in the middle of sending a bit?
if(ISRlocPul%2){ // If odd, send a HIGH
digitalWrite(Pin_tx, HIGH);
else{ // else send a LOW
digitalWrite(Pin_tx, LOW);
if(ISRlocPul==32){ // Was I at the end?
__SetTimer(0); // Come back in a short time
ISRlocPul = 0; // Reset the pulse pointer
ISRloc ++; // Advance to the next of the n instructions per byte.
__SetTimer(0); // Come back in a short time
ISRlocPul++; // Add to the pulse pointer
if(!ISRlocPul){ // If I am not sending a bit, or it just finished.
if(ISRloc == 1){ // Start bit
ISRlocPul = 1; // Set ISRlocPul to 1, so that it will initialize and send.
goto __Re_Evaluate_Pulse; // Go back and re evaluate, so that it sends the first of the pulse.
else if(ISRloc == 11){ // Stop bit
__SetTimer(1); // Don't send anything during this time period
ISRloc = 0; // Reset the ISRloc, so that at the end of the time period, it will get a new byte.
else{ // I am sending a byte, and on bits 0-7 or parity
if(BIT[ISRloc-2]){ // If the bit is 1
__SetTimer(1); // Don't send anything during this time period
else{ // else if the bit is 0
ISRlocPul = 1; // Set ISRlocPul to 1, so that it will initialize and send.
goto __Re_Evaluate_Pulse; // Go back and re evaluate, so that it sends the first of the pulse.
else{ // I was not in the middle of a message.
#ifndef FIFO_h
#define FIFO_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class FIFOClass
byte CreateBuffer(unsigned int length); // True if it was successful, otherwise false.
byte BufferEmpty(); // True if the buffer is empty.
byte BufferFull(); // True if the buffer is full.
int BytesAvailableToRead(); // How many bytes are available to read.
int FreeBytesSpace(); // How much room is available.
byte AddElement(byte input); // Add an element.
byte AddArray(byte length, byte * input); // Add an array to the buffer.
int GetElement(byte GoOn = true); // Read an element, and optionally set to go on.
void FlushBuffer(); // Clear the buffer.
uint8_t * _FB;
// byte FB[BufferSize]; // Full (entire) Buffer
int _EP; // End Pointer
int _SP; // Start Pointer
unsigned int _BufferSize;
#include "FIFO.h"
byte FIFOClass::CreateBuffer(unsigned int length){
length += 1;
_FB = (uint8_t*)malloc(length);
if (_FB == NULL)
return 0;
_BufferSize = length;
_SP = 0;
_EP = 0;
return 1;
byte FIFOClass::BufferEmpty(){ // True if the buffer is empty.
return _SP==_EP;
byte FIFOClass::BufferFull(){ // True if the buffer is full.
return (_SP-1==_EP || ((_SP==0)&&(_EP == _BufferSize-1))); // If EP precedes the ST by 1, with wrap-around.
int FIFOClass::BytesAvailableToRead(){
if(BufferEmpty())return 0;
int result;
if(_SP + 1 < _EP){
result = _EP - _SP - 1;
else if(_SP > _EP){
result = (_EP + _BufferSize) - _SP - 1;
return result;
int FIFOClass::FreeBytesSpace(){
return _BufferSize - 1 - BytesAvailableToRead();
byte FIFOClass::AddElement(byte input){
byte result = false;
if(BufferFull()){ // The buffer is full, so that means we are trying to over-write.
_SP++; // Move my start pointer ahead one.
result = true; // Set the return to true, bebause we had to over-write data.
_FB[_EP] = input;
if(_EP == _BufferSize)_EP = 0;
if(_SP == _BufferSize)_SP = 0;
return result;
byte FIFOClass::AddArray(byte length, byte * input){
byte result = false;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
if(BufferFull()){ // The buffer is full, so that means we are trying to over-write.
_SP++; // Move my start pointer ahead one.
if(_SP == _BufferSize)_SP = 0;
result = true;
_FB[_EP] = input[i];
if(_EP == _BufferSize)_EP = 0;
return result;
int FIFOClass::GetElement(byte GoOn){
int result;
result = -1;
result = _FB[_SP];
_FB[_SP] = 0;
if(_SP == _BufferSize)_SP = 0;
return result;
void FIFOClass::FlushBuffer(){
// byte trash;
// while(_BytesAvailableToRead()){ // Could probably just ArrayInit the buffer to 0s with _BufferSize elements, and set SP and EP to 0.
// trash = GetElement();
// }
_SP = 0;
_EP = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < _BufferSize; i++){
_FB[i] = 0;
And here is the compiler error:
In file included from RCXIR_Test.ino:1:
C:\Users\Family\Dropbox\Matt's Technology\Arduino\Sketch Book\libraries\RCXIR/RCXIR.h:30: error: 'FIFOClass' does not name a type
I guess it's most likely that the FIFO library isn't getting linked to the RCXIR library.
If I change the user sketch to include the FIFO library:
#include <FIFO.h>
#include <RCXIR.h>
void setup()
// This code will only run once, after each powerup or reset of the board
void loop()
// This code will loops consecutively
Then the compiler output is as follows:
RCXIR\RCXIR.cpp.o: In function `RCXIRsetup(unsigned char, unsigned char)':
C:\Users\Family\Dropbox\Matt's Technology\Arduino\Sketch Book\libraries\RCXIR/RCXIR.cpp:18: multiple definition of `FIFO'
RCXIR_Test.cpp.o:(.bss.FIFO+0x0): first defined here
In RCXIR.h change:
#include <FIFO.h>
#include "FIFO.h"
Then it compiles.
Then I get
In file included from RCXIR_Test.ino:2:
C:\Users\Family\Dropbox\Matt's Technology\Arduino\Sketch Book\libraries\RCXIR/RCXIR.h:17:18: error: FIFO.h: No such file or directory
In file included from RCXIR_Test.ino:2:
C:\Users\Family\Dropbox\Matt's Technology\Arduino\Sketch Book\libraries\RCXIR/RCXIR.h:30: error: 'FIFOClass' does not name a type
You shouldn't have this line in your .h file:
That's because it gets included multiple times (by both .cpp files). Move it to RCXIR.cpp.
Your main sketch should include both libraries:
#include <RCXIR.h>
#include <FIFO.h>
Then it compiles.
Why does RCXIR.h get included multiple times?
Shouldn't the
#ifndef RCXIR_h
#define RCXIR_h
code protect against that?
No, because different compilation units include it.
That guard code only protects you against a nested include in one compilation unit.
Your error message shows:
RCXIR\RCXIR.cpp.o: In function `RCXIRsetup(unsigned char, unsigned char)':
C:\Users\Family\Dropbox\Matt's Technology\Arduino\Sketch Book\libraries\RCXIR/RCXIR.cpp:18: multiple definition of `FIFO'
RCXIR_Test.cpp.o:(.bss.FIFO+0x0): first defined here
The main sketch included it, and RCXIR.cpp included it.
Your main sketch needs to include it because that triggers the compiler to copy the .h file into the temporary folder used for compilations.
As a general rule though, .h files should not instantiate data.
Okay, I sort of understand that.
I found that instead of including FIFO.h in the user sketch and in RCXIR.h, I can use #include "..\FIFO/FIFO.cpp" in RCXIR.cpp (and still put FIFOClass FIFO; in RCXIR.cpp). Can you explain this?