using Xbee and interfacing to PC

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to collect and display a number of temperatures from around my house using Zigbee shields on Arduinos and connecting to a co-ordinator Zigbee. So far, so good as there is a fair amount of info out there to help me.

But then, I want to connect up to my PC and display the data on a simple web page, and that's where I run out of knowledge. I can see how to use a wifi shield to display a web page on a computer, and I can sort of see how to connect an Xbee to a computer via a USB connector. However, what loses me is how to then get hold of the info that the co-ordinator has, and plug it into a web page. Clearly, I should be able to get hold of it, as the board is connected to my computer via a USB port. However, I'm not bright enough to figure out how, and I can't find an idiot's guide anywhere. Is there anything out there that anyone could point me to?

Any help gratefully received.



But then, I want to connect up to my PC and display the data on a simple web page, and that's where I run out of knowledge.

A web page is served by a server. The server can get information to display on the web page from anywhere. But, you need one application that listens to the serial port that the XBee is attached to, and stores the data somewhere for the web server to access.

Then, you need another application (on the server) to collect the data, and another application (the browser) to display the data.

The application that gets the data from the XBee could display the data, too. One application, instead of three.