Uuhhh chip doesnt work when not on uno

Hi guys im just connecting the 328p (already programmed using its pcb that i picked it from) to nano using TX to RX UART way it looks like i dont get any data from the chip.
Heres the breadboard

(atmel logo looks 180 degrees rotated on this view)
ignore that st7789, that nano has a program that serial.println's what it got with the same baud rates as chips program (for debugging)

Look like you have only three wires connecting to the atmega328? What the wires are?

Uppest one is tx
2st one from reverse power supplys direction is 5v/vcc
3st from PS direction is gnd

Does the chip has fuses, programmed to use internal clock source? What is the clock frequency?


... you missed to add a clock generator and caps.

Program the Blink sketch and connect a LED for a first test.

i did it with buzzer(active) yesterday

I suppose you did it with chip on the PCB?

nope.I upload the blink program but for pin 11 and then unplugged the atmega from uno yesterday. after 999999 trys i made it work. but this program is about UART

What is the clock freq of the chip?


just unplugged from uno

Are you understand my question in post #11? Please answer

What is "idk"?

Please draw and post an image of your circuit.

For the 328 to function, it has to have a clock, this is usually provided by an external crystal.
Can I suggest you look at the schematic of a UNO and see the surrounding components needed to make it work.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:


whats that

I see on google, atmega328p has a internal oscilator clocked as 8mhz

Not quite correct.
Atmega328 can works on internal oscilator clocked as 8mhz, but first you must set fuse values for that. Did you configure it?


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