Voice recognition module V3.1 can't load records

Hi everyone!

I was using this module for a long time and it was worked perfect. Something curious happened and can't load records.

Any suggestions would be appreciate!

Aha. Ok.

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Any suggestion?

Get a new module.

I already have tried 5 new modules.. But same result

bad usb cable?

Hello everyone, Below I have a conclusion

I bought a couple of NEW modules and nοne worked (train failed also Baud Rate in Settings output UNKNOWN). Luckily i found a old module and it worked fine.
I observe just a small difference between the new ones (already tried 5 new modules). See the attachments pictures below:

I already sent a email to Elechouse support. I am waiting for any news..

Hello, were you able to solve this? I bought this module a month ago but couldn't save the commands, and today I bought another one but it didn't work either. Is there any way to fix this or is there no way to fix it?

Below you can find a report about the issue. VoiceRecognitionV3 is forgetting record I just trained · Issue #25 · elechouse/VoiceRecognitionV3 · GitHub

Finally i had a contact with Elechouse store and they told me to buy a new one directly from the official store. Hope will work well.

New module arrived and works well!

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