Weight measurement using load cell adn HX711 module

I am interfacing Arduino UNO board with load cell and HX711 module. I have made circuit connections as per following figure.

I am using the same HX711 module and same load cell as shown in the figure. I have installed HX711 library from GitHub - olkal/HX711_ADC: Arduino library for the HX711 24-bit ADC for weight scales
I am using the following code:

#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>

const int HX711_dout = 2; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = 3; //mcu > HX711 sck pin

//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);

const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;

void setup() {
Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);

//LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
while (1);
else {
LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
Serial.println("Startup is complete");
while (!LoadCell.update());
calibrate(); //start calibration procedure

void loop() {
static boolean newDataReady = 0;
const int serialPrintInterval = 0; //increase value to slow down serial print activity

// check for new data/start next conversion:
if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;

// get smoothed value from the dataset:
if (newDataReady) {
if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
float i = LoadCell.getData();
Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
newDataReady = 0;
t = millis();

// receive command from serial terminal
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte = Serial.read();
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually

// check if last tare operation is complete
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");


void calibrate() {
Serial.println("Start calibration:");
Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");

boolean _resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte = Serial.read();
if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
Serial.println("Tare complete");
_resume = true;

Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");

float known_mass = 0;
_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
if (known_mass != 0) {
Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
_resume = true;

LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value

Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");

_resume = false;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte = Serial.read();
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;

  else if (inByte == 'n') {
    Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
    _resume = true;


Serial.println("End calibration");
Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");

void changeSavedCalFactor() {
float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
boolean _resume = false;
Serial.print("Current value is: ");
Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
float newCalibrationValue;
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
_resume = true;
_resume = false;
Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
Serial.println("? y/n");
while (_resume == false) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char inByte = Serial.read();
if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
Serial.print("Value ");
Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
_resume = true;
else if (inByte == 'n') {
Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
_resume = true;
Serial.println("End change calibration value");

After I run the above program, it asks me to place weight on the load cell. I am placing 200 gms weight. It is computing calibration factor as - 0.03 and outputting load cell output value as starting from 10 to 500 and beyond. I don't understand why this is happening. Could somebody help me understand?

You can cross-check your calibration with this one.

Please wrap your code in code tags per the forum guidelines.

It is unclear what values you are reading when. Do your coe produce 10 when the cell is unloaded, and 500 when it is loaded with a 200gm weight?

Or does the code produce random numbers from 10-500, no matter what the loading?


This topic is like Error - Arduino Board interfacing with load cell and HX711 module

#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>

const int HX711_dout = 4; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = 5; //mcu > HX711 sck pin

//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);

const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);

  //LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
  unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
  boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
  LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
  if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
    Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
    while (1);
  else {
    LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
    Serial.println("Startup is complete");
  while (!LoadCell.update());
  calibrate(); //start calibration procedure

void loop() {
  static boolean newDataReady = 0;
  const int serialPrintInterval = 0; //increase value to slow down serial print activity

  // check for new data/start next conversion:
  if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;

  // get smoothed value from the dataset:
  if (newDataReady) {
    if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
      float i = LoadCell.getData();
      Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
      newDataReady = 0;
      t = millis();

  // receive command from serial terminal
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char inByte = Serial.read();
    if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
    else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
    else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually

  // check if last tare operation is complete
  if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
    Serial.println("Tare complete");


void calibrate() {
  Serial.println("Start calibration:");
  Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
  Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
  Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");

  boolean _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        char inByte = Serial.read();
        if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
    if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
      Serial.println("Tare complete");
      _resume = true;

  Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
  Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");

  float known_mass = 0;
  _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
      if (known_mass != 0) {
        Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
        _resume = true;

  LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
  float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value

  Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
  Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
  Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
  Serial.println("? y/n");

  _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = Serial.read();
      if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
        Serial.print("Value ");
        Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
        _resume = true;

      else if (inByte == 'n') {
        Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
        _resume = true;

  Serial.println("End calibration");
  Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
  Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");

void changeSavedCalFactor() {
  float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
  boolean _resume = false;
  Serial.print("Current value is: ");
  Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
  float newCalibrationValue;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
      if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
        Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
        _resume = true;
  _resume = false;
  Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
  Serial.println("? y/n");
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = Serial.read();
      if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
        Serial.print("Value ");
        Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
        _resume = true;
      else if (inByte == 'n') {
        Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
        _resume = true;
  Serial.println("End change calibration value");

After running above code, when I am placing weight of 50 gms on load cell, It is giving me calibration value as -676.70 and load cell output value ranging from 50 to 250.

So while the 50gm weight is sitting on your scale, the output varies randomly between 50 and 250?

Load_cell output val: 86.58
Load_cell output val: 139.30
Load_cell output val: 162.72
Load_cell output val: 125.44
Load_cell output val: 158.78
Load_cell output val: 229.23
Load_cell output val: 227.09
Load_cell output val: 94.40
Load_cell output val: 231.65
Load_cell output val: 94.92
Load_cell output val: 80.42
Load_cell output val: 129.87
Load_cell output val: 75.03
Load_cell output val: 73.27
Load_cell output val: 167.29
Load_cell output val: 238.40
Load_cell output val: 76.12


Sounds like you are calibrating your output signal to noise as an input signal. What do your input values look like?

I din't understand your question. Is it value of weights you are asking for?

Try bypassing the calibration and seeing what numbers the HX711 is delivering to your code. Maybe try nulling out the calibration and shortening the filtering with:


try those and then you should get the un-adulterated data out of the HX711 and be able to tell where the problem is.

Show your data.

In the code, where shall I place these



In the code after the calibration in order to undo the calibration:

#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>

const int HX711_dout = 4; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = 5; //mcu > HX711 sck pin

//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);

const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);

  //LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
  unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
  boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
  LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
  if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
    Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
    while (1);
  else {
    LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
    Serial.println("Startup is complete");
  while (!LoadCell.update());
  calibrate(); //start calibration procedure

  /////////////////   Here ///////////////////////////////


void loop() {
  static boolean newDataReady = 0;
  const int serialPrintInterval = 0; //increase value to slow down serial print activity

  // check for new data/start next conversion:
  if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;

  // get smoothed value from the dataset:
  if (newDataReady) {
    if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
      float i = LoadCell.getData();
      Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
      newDataReady = 0;
      t = millis();

  // receive command from serial terminal
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char inByte = Serial.read();
    if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
    else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
    else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually

  // check if last tare operation is complete
  if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
    Serial.println("Tare complete");


void calibrate() {
  Serial.println("Start calibration:");
  Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
  Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
  Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");

  boolean _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        char inByte = Serial.read();
        if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
    if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
      Serial.println("Tare complete");
      _resume = true;

  Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
  Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");

  float known_mass = 0;
  _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
      if (known_mass != 0) {
        Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
        _resume = true;

  LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
  float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value

  Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
  Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
  Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
  Serial.println("? y/n");

  _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = Serial.read();
      if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
        Serial.print("Value ");
        Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
        _resume = true;

      else if (inByte == 'n') {
        Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
        _resume = true;

  Serial.println("End calibration");
  Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
  Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");

void changeSavedCalFactor() {
  float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
  boolean _resume = false;
  Serial.print("Current value is: ");
  Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
  float newCalibrationValue;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
      if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
        Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
        _resume = true;
  _resume = false;
  Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
  Serial.println("? y/n");
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = Serial.read();
      if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
        Serial.print("Value ");
        Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
        _resume = true;
      else if (inByte == 'n') {
        Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
        _resume = true;
  Serial.println("End change calibration value");

This is where I have placed it. Is it right?

#include <HX711_ADC.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32) || defined(AVR)
#include <EEPROM.h>

const int HX711_dout = 3; //mcu > HX711 dout pin
const int HX711_sck = 2; //mcu > HX711 sck pin

//HX711 constructor:
HX711_ADC LoadCell(HX711_dout, HX711_sck);

const int calVal_eepromAdress = 0;
unsigned long t = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(57600); delay(10);

  //LoadCell.setReverseOutput(); //uncomment to turn a negative output value to positive
  unsigned long stabilizingtime = 2000; // preciscion right after power-up can be improved by adding a few seconds of stabilizing time
  boolean _tare = true; //set this to false if you don't want tare to be performed in the next step
  LoadCell.start(stabilizingtime, _tare);
  if (LoadCell.getTareTimeoutFlag() || LoadCell.getSignalTimeoutFlag()) {
    Serial.println("Timeout, check MCU>HX711 wiring and pin designations");
    while (1);
  else {
    LoadCell.setCalFactor(1.0); // user set calibration value (float), initial value 1.0 may be used for this sketch
    Serial.println("Startup is complete");
  while (!LoadCell.update());
  calibrate(); //start calibration procedure

void loop() {
  static boolean newDataReady = 0;
  const int serialPrintInterval = 0; //increase value to slow down serial print activity

  // check for new data/start next conversion:
  if (LoadCell.update()) newDataReady = true;

  // get smoothed value from the dataset:
  if (newDataReady) {
    if (millis() > t + serialPrintInterval) {
      float i = LoadCell.getData();
      Serial.print("Load_cell output val: ");
      newDataReady = 0;
      t = millis();

  // receive command from serial terminal
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char inByte = Serial.read();
    if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay(); //tare
    else if (inByte == 'r') calibrate(); //calibrate
    else if (inByte == 'c') changeSavedCalFactor(); //edit calibration value manually

  // check if last tare operation is complete
  if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
    Serial.println("Tare complete");


void calibrate() {
  Serial.println("Start calibration:");
  Serial.println("Place the load cell an a level stable surface.");
  Serial.println("Remove any load applied to the load cell.");
  Serial.println("Send 't' from serial monitor to set the tare offset.");

  boolean _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        char inByte = Serial.read();
        if (inByte == 't') LoadCell.tareNoDelay();
    if (LoadCell.getTareStatus() == true) {
      Serial.println("Tare complete");
      _resume = true;

  Serial.println("Now, place your known mass on the loadcell.");
  Serial.println("Then send the weight of this mass (i.e. 100.0) from serial monitor.");

  float known_mass = 0;
  _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      known_mass = Serial.parseFloat();
      if (known_mass != 0) {
        Serial.print("Known mass is: ");
        _resume = true;

  LoadCell.refreshDataSet(); //refresh the dataset to be sure that the known mass is measured correct
  float newCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getNewCalibration(known_mass); //get the new calibration value

  Serial.print("New calibration value has been set to: ");
  Serial.println(", use this as calibration value (calFactor) in your project sketch.");
  Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
  Serial.println("? y/n");

  _resume = false;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = Serial.read();
      if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
        Serial.print("Value ");
        Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
        _resume = true;

      else if (inByte == 'n') {
        Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
        _resume = true;

  Serial.println("End calibration");
  Serial.println("To re-calibrate, send 'r' from serial monitor.");
  Serial.println("For manual edit of the calibration value, send 'c' from serial monitor.");

void changeSavedCalFactor() {
  float oldCalibrationValue = LoadCell.getCalFactor();
  boolean _resume = false;
  Serial.print("Current value is: ");
  Serial.println("Now, send the new value from serial monitor, i.e. 696.0");
  float newCalibrationValue;
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      newCalibrationValue = Serial.parseFloat();
      if (newCalibrationValue != 0) {
        Serial.print("New calibration value is: ");
        _resume = true;
  _resume = false;
  Serial.print("Save this value to EEPROM adress ");
  Serial.println("? y/n");
  while (_resume == false) {
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      char inByte = Serial.read();
      if (inByte == 'y') {
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.put(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
#if defined(ESP8266)|| defined(ESP32)
        EEPROM.get(calVal_eepromAdress, newCalibrationValue);
        Serial.print("Value ");
        Serial.print(" saved to EEPROM address: ");
        _resume = true;
      else if (inByte == 'n') {
        Serial.println("Value not saved to EEPROM");
        _resume = true;
  Serial.println("End change calibration value");

Yes, that placement should give out the raw measurements and help determine where the problem is.

I am getting values like 990022 and so on when I am placing a weight of 173 gms.

1. Please, provide the reference link from where you have got the wiring of three terminal half-bridge load cell into four terminal full-bridge load cell.

2. Have you made any grove to place the peripheral body (Fig-1) of the load cell or you have just placed it on a flat Table and put the weight over it?


990022 = 0x0F1B46, so it's well within the 24 bit range, corresponding to a measurement of 990022/8388608*20mV=2.360mV at the input to the HX711

What does it do with no load?

Do the no-load and loaded values jump around much?

What does the output look like?

From your prior communications, it sounds like the readings loaded and unloaded aren't significantly different when you take the noise into account. Things that could cause that if something's disconnected are being up against the limits (electrical or physical) or something being connected wrong. That you get a mid-range value says the resistors balance with the gauge well enough.

  1. I have attached the circuit diagram used for interfacing single 50 kgs half bridge load cell with Arduino Board in my first post itself. Please refer to the attached figure.

  2. I have not mounted the load cell on any wooden board or platform. Rather I am placing the load cell on a flat table and putting known weights on it.

I have not tried it with no load. While running the calibration code, it asks me to place weight on the load cell. I cannot proceed without placing weights on the load cell. I am using two 1kiloohm carbon film resistors in the connection. Can those carbon film resistors lead to such a problem? Instead will high precision metal film resistor of 1kilo ohm be more suitable?

I mean that after you get through the required calibration, and then the code turns off the calibration and starts spitting out raw numbers like 990022 with the 173 gram weight still sitting on it, take the weight off and report if you still get numbers like 990022 or not.

Since 173g is 0.173/50kg = 0.003 of full scale for a 50, if everything is working right, then you should get numbers about 0.003*2^24=50000 different. Maybe around 105000 or 93000? There's really not much more I can guess from what you've communicated.

Based only on your:

I think your resistors are fine.

Place the Sensor on a small cup (see my picture below) so that the weight goes on the canti-lever and then on the strain-gauge. The canti-lever and the strain-gauge must be kept floating.

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