I see a new option under the Community tab called "Discord"! What is that new option?
Another platform to communicate and share works
What is the community tab? For me it means
and I don't see a "Discord".
I think he meant this
Ah, thanks
I stumbled into Arduino Discord. It felt like the London Stock Exchange pit for questions and answers. One to the next postings rarely seemed to follow. I am sure there is a pattern to it, but I did not find it.
Why is Discord included in the options?
Because the topic is "arduino"
It is one of most used communication platforms, Commonly used by any community to maintain large number of people .And discord provides many features like voice chat, team discussions and also public and private chats etc.. . Because it is easy to maintain .We can assign roles to persons to watch over the discord server like our moderators in the forum .
It is good to have community in multiple platforms other than this forum .So in case this goes down or any other issues we could get the details/updates from the community in the other platforms
Discord is very popular with the gaming community.
When Schools shut down for Covid in 2020, my daughter the teacher started doing classes over Discord, which makes it pretty neat. (The kids were like "Whoa Ms Westfield!! You're a GAMER?!") (the schools later settled on Zoom, once they had a chance to think and standardize, but ... high points for applications that are quickly repurposable like that.)
I find it's time-oriented many-in-one-place conversations much inferior to the Discourse Forums topic-oriented conversations, but some people (especially young people) seem to prefer it.