What is the next marketing strategy ?

What is the next marketing strategy after "get woke" and "how to use AI" is used up?

Here's a novelty suggestion.

Learn to code

  • Learn to make fire rubbing sticks. :woozy_face:
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“How to avoid AI”

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I think they should be more modular..
Like m5Stack..
I see that as the future..

This reminds me of a quote, I think it was Einstein but I might be wrong. It goes,

I don't know what weapons they'll use for world war 3, but the war after that will be fought with sticks and stones.


Hautoino - The girlfriend of tomorrow: today.

Snopes has some interesting commentary on that quote: Did Albert Einstein Say World War IV Will be Fought 'With Sticks and Stones'? | Snopes.com

The result will be the same if a giant solar flare or EMP attack brings down the power grid and internet over wide areas.

Just in case, I've taken lessons on flint knapping and can chip out a serviceable spear point, knife blade or arrowhead. It is fun, and who knows, those technical skills may come in pretty handy.

Whether it's really him or not, it's a cool line.

That sounds interesting. I love learning old skills but that's one I've never tried.

I'm an archer too, so it would be double cool to try to use a point I made myself. Would be really cool to try to make a bow but that sounds like a lot more work than I have time to do.

Knapping is not that hard to learn and it really is fun.

Flint, obsidian and other glassy rocks break on sharp impact just like window glass, with very predictable fracture angles. With just a little practice, a sharp blow from a smooth striker stone, impacting at the correct angle, will knock off thin flakes with a razor sharp edge.

"Pressure flaking" with a copper point will then produce an arrowhead shape out of a flake in just a few minutes. Lots of YT videos and web sites demo the basic ideas! This is one place to start: https://www.youtube.com/user/Flintknappingtips

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Fourth Edition, 2009, pg 209-212