Hi. I am new to arduino. Can someone please help me out by telling me which sensor can I go with if I want to measure magnetic fields coming from a large permanent magnet (neodymium)?
I am assuming that the permanent (neodymium) magnet might be creating magnetic fields as high as 0.1 T or 0.05 T.
Help would be a lot easier if you told us the possible sensors you have looked at and have selected some that meet you requirements. Then someone could advice on interfacing to an Arduino.
Did you mean "popular"? Just about all the current MEMS magnetometers are available from sellers like Digikey, Mouser, etc.
You need to study the manufacturer data sheets to pick the appropriate one for your application, and for such high fields, you probably won't find one mounted on a convenient PCB, so plan on having a PCB made according to the data sheet recommendations.
Hi. I am so sorry if my question sounds very basic. I am new to arduino and sensors.
For my major project, I wanted to measure magnetic field from a magnetic source. Since BMM150 specs says that it can measure upto 2500 microtesla in the z-direction, I purchased it. I have also downloaded the required libraries. However, the only example codes available on the internet tell how to measure the x,y and z heading. Can you guys help me out and provide me with a code to measure magnetic field in microtesla (z-direction) from the BMM150 sensor? (I am arduino Mega).
I tried using this code but don't think it is correct:
Do the above for all three axes, and study the sensor data sheet to get the sensitivity value, which is a dividing scale factor that converts the raw data to standard units.
The total field strength is the "norm" of the three values:
float x = value.x; //etc. for y and z
float total = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z); //vector norm, divide by sensitivity
Hey. I went through the data sheet, but I am not able to find the sensitivity value. Is there any way you can search it and provide it to me? (Like I said, I am very new to arduino and so don't really know how to read data sheets).