Hello. I have bought an Arduino UNO kit that came with an RFID module. I have soldered the pins on the RFID module, then I did the wiring.
RFID Arduino
SDA(SS) 10
SCK 13
3.3V 3.3V
I've installed the MFRC522 library from the github community. Then I've tried running the dumpinfo example from the MFRC522 library.
Nothing came on the console, except a message saying that its not connected
Please see the photos below, its my first time using Arduino
Does that module have the correct voltage-level adjustments to work with a 5V Arduino?
Thank you for answering me. But I don't get it, my Arduino has both 5V and 3.3V pins, and i'm using the 3.3V pin for te 3.3V on the module, do I still need to use resistors even though I'm connecting it to the 3.3V pin?
Why is that?
Those are just the power supply pins - you also need to take care of the interface pins - see the follow-up post in that thread:
Because the pins of the RC522 are not 5V tolerant. See the data sheet for this chip and see if you can find if they are. If it is not mention then they aren't. It is unusual for a 3V3 chip to have 5V tolerant inputs and the manufacturers would brag about it on the first page of the data sheet. Look for the tables that show maximum and minimum voltages for signals into this chip.
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