Wiegand reader - Led - XPR

hello All,

I'm trying to set up the following wiegand RFID reader with Arduino.

The wiegand part is ok, can read RFID cards. I do have a problem with LEDs, which i want to control.

When trying the LED- to Ground on Arduino : led is on.

When connecting to a Digital Out pin :

  • PIN set to low : led is on
  • PIN set to high : led is kind of "partial on", like dimmed.

i tried with or whitout a resistor 220 ohms.

Can someone help on that?

Thanks a lot !

PIN set to high : led is kind of "partial on", like dimmed.

Make sure you have used the pin mode call in the setup function to make this pin an output.

i tried with or whitout a resistor 220 ohm

Never connect an LED to an Arduino output pin without a resistor, you will exceed the maximum current you are permitted to draw from a pin.

That link tells nothing about the LEDs, how have you wired them up?