Wifi Connection

Hello all,

I am using an Arduino Uno and the Wifi Shield. I am using the WiFiWebServer example. My Arduino connects to my wireless interenet and says...
SSID: Porknut
IP Address:
signal strength (RSSI):-76 dBm
...in the Serial Monitor

When I open a internet browser (Firefox, IE) and type in http:\ or just it has a problem loading the page.

Any ideas?

Change "\" to "//" 8)

Do you use another port as 80 on the WebServer ?

I used the // and no change. I do use port 80. Is there another port I should use?

Have you tried the client example(s)?

I just tried the wifiwebclient example and it did not return anything. I turned off my firewall as well just in case and no change.

I'm having the exact same problem and it's been driving me crazy for the past few days. I tried updating the firmware, but couldn't figure out the last steps of that process (I'm new to all of this). I was able to ping the IP adress that it gave me successfully, but no response from my browser. Someone save me!!!!!!!

I just tried the wifiwebclient example and it did not return anything. I turned off my firewall as well just in case and no change.

OK that doesn't sound very promising. If Arduino wifi (official shield, right?) has connected to your router, then it should have the same access to internet as your computer does, unless the router has settings against such access. Does your router have a web based setup page to see things like access control etc? What works for me is no access control and I often use MAC-IP binding so every time wifi shield connects, it receives the same IP address.

Also important, what version of firmware on the wifi shield and what version of Arduino IDE? I recommend against upgrading firmware. If you didn't, you should use Arduino IDE 1.0.1 or 1.0.2.

"Same" to that other poster with "exactly same problem". You have upgraded your firmware so go with the version of Arduino IDE where you got your firmware and check router.

Same issue here on IDE 1.0.5, OSX.

Update: IDE 1.0.1 same problem.

Update: IDE 1.5.2 works. Getting a lot of junk back through the telnet terminal about other things on the network so not quite sure what is happening there. Will try again at home in a bit.

Conclusion: Upgrade to IDE 1.5.2 fixed this for me. OSX. My firmware is not upgraded on the WiFi shield.

Note: The junk data to the telnet terminal seems to happen more often if I don't write something to the client immediately after connecting. For example:

    if (client) {

Otherwise, I almost always get a bunch of junk info to the telnet terminal apparently from other things on the network.

Note: The junk data to the telnet terminal seems to happen more often if I don't write something to the client immediately after connecting.

If you connect to a unicast address (a 'normal' IP address) you should only receive the traffic the device you are connected to is supposed to be sending.

I would be interested to see some of the junk you are receiving. The nominal state of affairs on a network, is for broadcast traffic (arp etc) to be floating around, although it is not usually presented at the Sockets API layer.

It's possible the WiFi shield has a transmit buffer initialisation bug, which is causing transmit and receive buffers to overlap. That could result in artefacts within a receive buffer, appearing to be in the transmit buffer. If that is what is happening, nothing much you can do but wait for a firmware update to fix it.

Is you arduino shield assigned to the same network as your PC? (Are both devices connected to the same network)

Sadly I have made this mistake more than once