Wifi firmware not found

Hi there, looks like the Wifi firmware is missing on my Nicla Vision board after uploading an Edge Impulse firmware. It can't connect to Wifi, but also can't update Wifi firmware with the updater and throws an error when uploading the QSPIFormat code "Error formatting WiFi partition. " Any ideas how could I get back the factory firmware? thx

[solved] What finally helped downgrading the Arduino Mbed OS Nicla Boards library from v3.5.4 to v2.8.0. With this version I was able to flash the missing WiFi firmware using the WiFi updater sketch and was able to connect to WiFi without any problems.

P.S. After this initial success, I was curious, and updated the boards library back to the latest 3.5.4 version and run the WiFi updater again. Firmware flashing was successful, however, the board was not connecting again... So, this time I downgraded to 3.0.0, uploaded the firmware, and it worked again! Then tried 3.3.0, that din't work..