I've the necessity to have a Wifi shield with an external antenna, but the new arduino Wifi shield has an internal antenna.
Is it possible to apply an externaal antenna on the arduino shield or have I to buy a different brand shield? Can you suggest me a good one?
I have the same need. It is a big disadvantage using an onboard/trace antenna as sensor boards/embedded wifi hardware is usually placed in suboptimal locations providing poor wifi coverage. Its sad that there are rather few wifi shields, with the few that exist having serious issues/missing features such as DHCP. Also, might want to fix your title.
Yes i found it: RN-XV WiFly Module - RP-SMA Connector - WRL-11047 - SparkFun Electronics but I'm a bit confused on how to use it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but i guess I've to connect it to the XBee shield. Is it the better solution?
Then I read that it's better to use also the USB host shield to be able to direclty program the Wifi shield, is it correct?