WiFi Shield

Hi ,

My WiFi shield is not working when I am using the code given in arduino guide following link

It is showing zero network scanned even when i have opened 3 hotspot networks around

please give me solution asap.

khushboo katta

Which WiFi shield do you have? You can post a link to where you bought it from if you got it online.

I have wifi shield R3
i have purchased from this link.

when i connect shield with arduino board .. then yellow light doesn't blink and it shows WiFi shield not present.

please tell an appropriate solution to it asap

I wanted to check if the shield you're using is compatible with the Arduino WiFi library and it looks like you are using the correct library.

i have tried with WiFi shield 101 library as well .. it still not working , according to you what could be the possible reasons ?
or is it that shield is not working or default in the shield???