Wire XYYZ CNC using Arduino Mega 2560 and TB6600 drivers

Hi Guys and Gals,
I am building a CNC router and have XYYZ setup with GRBL. I am using nema23 steppers. I cannot use CNC shield because of the amps of the motors (3Amps). I have found few articles describing setup of the Mega with 3 stepper motors but nothing with XYYZ setup. Also, I cannot find pinout diagram for Mega with GRBL that shows fourth axis. Can you please nudge me in the right direction.

A tip: Use Google and this comes out: grbl mega pinout - Bing images

Do you mean 2 Y axes, or 2 motors on z axis, or a rotary axis?

I mean 2 Y axis. Basically 2 motors spinning exactly same in the same direction. They will be moving gantry on the right and left of the bed.

Thanks. I think you will just have to drive both Y axis drivers with the same step and direction pulses and hope they stay in sync. Some mechanical tweaking may be needed.

Thanks for your reply.
I was thinking about it. I have tried connecting 2 steppers to the same driver on another controller and project (not arduino) and could not make it work - steppers would be stalling, something to do with noise. I may try putting 2 drivers on the same pins of the arduino. That may do the trick.
Does anyone know if you can use ramps 1.4 with extral drivers?

No reason why it shouldn't.

Thanks for your advice. I have ordered the drivers. Should be here next week. I will report back

As promised here an update. Wiring 2 Y drivers to the same pins worked like a charm. Thank you everyone!


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