I'm new to Arduino and I have a few questions. Can you hook up an Xbee to an Arduino and use another Xbee by itself? Do I have to have 2 Arduino's? I know I might be asking a rookie question, but, I'm new, so, yeah... :-?
I'm new to Arduino and I have a few questions. Can you hook up an Xbee to an Arduino and use another Xbee by itself? Do I have to have 2 Arduino's? I know I might be asking a rookie question, but, I'm new, so, yeah... :-?
Can you hook up an Xbee to an Arduino and use another Xbee by itself?
The 'series 1' modules are simple enough to use one standalone - you can poll it for changes on its inputs etc. as it has its own I/O pins.
Or if you mean one connected to a computer, you can get a USB board for it which allows you to plug it straight into a computer and use it as a receiver/transmitter from software on your computer.
Can I send info back to the Arduino from an Xbee?
Can I send info back to the Arduino from an Xbee?
Of course. The XBee shields and the Arduino share pins 0 and 1. So, data received over the air appears on the serial port for the Arduino to read.
Can I control motors and servos from an Xbee?
Yeah, with transistors.
How many?
As many as you have motors.
You are trying to control 40000 motors with one XBee?
Haha. The XBee only has umm... not very many digital pins.
I'm not trying to, it's just an example. I don't have an Arduino yet, but I really want to get one for Chrismas. Do you think I should get the Xbee's?
Do you think I should get the Xbee's?
But it completely depends what you want to do. It's nice to be able to just make any project wireless every so often.
There are two kinds of XBees - series 1 for point to point, and series 2/2.5 for mesh networks. Which kind to get depends on what you want to do. For starters, I'd go for the series 1 version. They are fun to play with, and are relatively straight-forward to set up.
Ok, well this helps a little. Thanks!
Can I send camera graphics, say a webcam, through an xbee to an Arduino and view it on my tv?
Can I send camera graphics, say a webcam, through an xbee to an Arduino and view it on my tv?
No. Look at the amount of data that makes up a single frame. Now, divide that amount of data by the baud rate that the XBee transmits at. Can you finish sending one frame before the next frame is ready? Not likely.
Can you store a whole frame on the Arduino so that it can send it to the TV. No. Can you do it often enough to meet the demands of the TV? No.
So how can I make a wireless camera?
So how can I make a wireless camera?
Google "wireless web camera".
About 28,200,000 results (0.27 seconds)
Didn't take long at all.
I Craig's Listed it.