Xbox Controller to Control Servo Motor

Hi all,

I'm trying to control a servo with an xbox controller using an arduino.
I got the servo going with the 'sweep' example, but now I am trying to control it with the xbox controller.
Using this code.

#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h> // include library for communicating with I2C devices
#include <XBOXRECV.h> // include XBOX receiver library
#ifdef dobogusinclude // satisfy IDE, which only needs to see the include statement in the ino
#include <spi4teensy3.h> // satisfy IDE, which only needs to see the include statement in the ino
#endif // satisfy IDE, which only needs to see the include statement in the ino

USB Usb; // define USB Host Shield
XBOXRECV Xbox(&Usb); // define XBOX receiver and USB connection

Servo BaseServo;
Servo ServoArmHeight;
Servo ServoArmLength;    
Servo ClawRotationServo;

int BaseServoValue; // define an integer for the servo value
int ServoArmHeightValue; // define an integer for the servo value
int ServoArmLengthValue; // define an integer for the servo value
int ClawRotationServoValue; // define an integer for the servo value

void setup() 
  if (Usb.Init() == -1) // boots USB connection 
    while (1); // wait 1ms
  BaseServo.attach(11); // define pin
  ServoArmHeight.attach(10); // define pin
  ServoArmLength.attach(9); // define pin
  ClawRotationServo.attach(6); // define pin

  BaseServo.write(90); // initial angle
  ServoArmHeight.write(90); // initial angle
  ServoArmLength.write(90); // initial angle
  ClawRotationServo.write(90); // initial angle

void loop() 
  Usb.Task(); // gives task to USB Host Shield
  if (Xbox.XboxReceiverConnected) // if the XBOX receiver is connected
   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) // for an unsigned integer of length 8 bits, variable i should = 0, be less than 4, and should increment +1 at a time
     if (Xbox.Xbox360Connected[i]) // if XBOX 360 controller is connected, with variable i defined above
      BaseServoValue = map (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX, i), 0, 32769, 0, 180); // create integer for servo, and map 15 bit value to 8 bit value directly
      ServoArmHeightValue = map (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY, i), 0, -32769, -0, 180); // create integer for servo, and map 15 bit value to 8 bit value inversely
      ServoArmLengthValue = map (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatY, i), 0, 32769, 0, 180); // create integer for servo, and map 15 bit value to 8 bit value directly
      ClawRotationServoValue = map (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatX, i), 0, -32769, -0, 180); // create integer for servo, and map 15 bit value to 8 bit value inversely

     BaseServo.write(BaseServoValue); // ticked servo angle
     ServoArmHeight.write(ServoArmHeightValue); // ticked servo angle
     ServoArmLength.write(ServoArmLengthValue); // ticked servo angle
     ClawRotationServo.write(ClawRotationServoValue); // ticked servo angle

However, this didn't work and when I attached a scope to the servo on pin 11 I got a trace that looked like the attached image.

I don't have a clue and this even persisted when I completely commented out the mapping and the final value mapping and just told it to write to the midpoint of the servo.

Any ideas?

How does the Arduino communicate with the USB shield? If it uses SPI, then you can't use pins 10, 11, 12, or 13 for the servos.

How does the Arduino communicate with the USB shield? If it uses SPI, then you can't use pins 10, 11, 12, or 13 for the servos.

Ahh, Ok yeah. I just moved the servo to pin 6 and commented out the lines that attached the servos to pins 10 and 11. It now works perfectly. It also explains loads of other things.

Thanks very much.