Yet another arduino makefile

Hey guys,

I'm working on a project based on arduino, and I found the IDE quite limiting. It's alright for small sketches, but not really useful when it comes to bigger multi-file multi-lib projects. I then started looking for some existing makefiles for arduino projects and came across some, sudars Arduino Makefile and Alans one, but wasn't really happy with either of them.

I wanted a simple, modular makefile, that supports a kind of plug'n play approach to getting new libraries in and also unit testing capabilities, so I created my own one.

It'd be great if you guys could have a look at it and let me know what you think, what could/should be done better/different etc etc.

the makefile project can be found on my github GitHub - codemedian/arduino-makefile: Makefile build for Arduino projects including unit testing capabilities and contains some simple example source files as well.

thanks in advance.
