Good "Hello World!" example for Dfrobot LCD 4bit

Hello, does someone now a good "Hello World!" example for the Dfrobot LCD keypad shield, wich uses the LCD_4bit_mod library. I'm a real newbie and can't make one myself. They say the 4bit display is easy and doesn't uses much resources (pins). But in my opinion it's not so easy as they say.

If there doesn't exists one would someone like to be so kind to make one?

Thanks for any help,

Superpelican :slight_smile:

You need to google better that ask folks to do it for you.

Sorry, but I can't find a "Hello World!" example in your link :frowning:

Googling also doesn't seem to help. But if there doesn't exists a Dfrobot- 4bit-library example, would someone like to help me with making one?
I don't want to use the buttons, because they're terrible hard to program for. I want the LCD display to just display some text, like the original Hello World example written for the HD44780-Liquid Crystal library.


I got my Dfrobot LCD keypad shield working with the Liquid Crystal library thanks to a little change in Hello World! example from the Arduino team. I found the solution in this topic:,

Superpelican :slight_smile:

Good work, congrats !

The LCD 4bit library should have been buried without trace about the beginning of 2009 once the LiquidCrystal library could do 4 bit. Its a very poor facsimile these days.

So, you mean that I'm now running my Dfrobot LCD Keypad shield on 4bit with the Liquid Crystal library as well? With the customization ,mentioned in the topic I linked to in my older post, of course!

Thanks, Superpelican :slight_smile:

The standard LiquidCrystal library will work fine at 4 bits, you only need a total of 6 datapins + 2 for power to run a HD44780 display. The built in Library is faster and less resource hungry than the outdated 4bit Library.