1.8.1 IDE fails to start on Lubuntu 14.04 32 bit

I recently followed the steps shown at Situs Toto Online : Tips dan Trik Menang Besar di Camertoto and ended up with the expected Arduino icon on the Lubuntu desktop. Double clicking on this icon bought up a flash of the starting splash screen (same as the "about" page) and then it disappeared. Still not haven the patience or practice to be command-line proficient, I searched and found at 14.04 - Problem after installing Arduino IDE 1.8.0 - Ask Ubuntu that the installation required the latest Java JDK. I did not believe this at first and checked that my installation of the open-sourced icedtea Java VM interpretor was intact. It was. Surely the latest Oracle DEVELOPMENT kit was not required? After trying a few other avenues I went ahead and installed the JDK. It fixed it. Now the expected code entry screen replaced the splash screen and the rest of the IDE appears functional (but I have done only surface checks so far).

  • Why does this IDE have dependency on the Oracle JDK for Ubuntu Linux installations? When will this not be the case?
  • Why don't the installation pages on this site clearly state the dependency and not leave Ubuntu users to waste time trawling for external answers?

:frowning: Come on Arduino CC, a heap of your market is tech people who use Linux and Ubuntu. This needs better engineering, testing, and if there is only time to just get it going, at least document the latest in the installation docs a new user will reference.