Before I spend $300 on a sensor that I THINK I can use with Arduino, I wanted someone else's opinion.
This is the link to the sensor datasheet:
This is the link to the library I THINK will work with it:
The data sheet seems to say this thing is 100% compatible with Arduino (without saying it's 100% compatible with Arduino).
From the data sheet:
Supply Voltage: 3.6 to 5.5 Vdc or 10 to 30 Vdc
Default sensing: 180 µA
Disabled sensing: 40 µA
Active comms: 3.3 mA
1-wire serial interface
Baud Rates: 9.6k, 19.2k (default), or 38.4k
Data Format: 8 data bits, No parity (default), even parity, or odd parity. 1 stop bit
It looks like this thing is going to send me a 8-bit number between 0 and 65535 and all I have to do is "map" that to distance to get a measurement. I plan to process the input and send the info via Wi-Fi (or bluetooth) to another board with a screen to display the output "remotely."
Does ANYONE see ANY reason why this would not work with an Arduino???
Does anyone see anything that might be tricky (like needing a resistor or a capacitor, etc)?
I AM NOT holding ANYONE responsible for their opinion, but if this works, then the whole field of Banner sensors opens up to me. This would give me high-quality sensors -- not the $4 "toys" that I currently have use that restrict me from doing better, more durable projects.
How did you arrive at that conclusion?
Maybe it sends an "OK" then waits for you to send "GO" then it sends you a 32 bit number that represents a floating point number
I have sent this message to their engineering department:
Looking at ultra-sonic sensor: K50UX1CRA, is the "1-wire" interface the same as Analog Devices (formerly Maxim; originally Dallas) 1-Wire bus?
If I do not get a return e-mail by Wednesday, I will contact by phone. For the sake of the integrity of this thread, I will post whatever the answer is.
But above the voltage-signals they use a logical protocol called DX80 Sensor-Node
You will have to find out how this protocol works.
Without obeying each and every detail of this communication-protocol called DX80 Sensor-Node
You will be unable to communicate with these sensors.
$300 is pretty expensive. In this price-range there will be more companies that offer ultra-sonic distance measuring.
I am not excluding any other sensors, and a laser or Lidar sensor may be better, but i would prefer a durable sensor from a reputable manufacturer -- the "toys" on Amazon and Ebay are just not good enough. I'm replacing them too often.
so I guess that the DX80 Sensor-Node is one such separate device that talks 1-Wire on one side (reading the data from the ultrasonic sensor) and it gives the information on the other side over UART
if @johnnycatt only buys the ultrasonic sensor then he will have to use the documented hardware interface
(but they show a pin for 1-Wire serial communications and 1-Wire serial device select which seems weird (do you send the address on the select line and then use the other line for communication?)
Indeed it has a one wire interface - but that doesn't mean that it is the One-WireTM interface invented by Dallas (subsequently acquired by Maxim and then AD) and used on things like the well-known DS18B20.
And, looking at the specs of that "one wire" interface, I'd be pretty certain that it is notthe One-WireTM interface:
That sounds very much like just a standard UART async serial interface!
But using just one wire - so either half-duplex or Tx-only.
Very good point. If it really is Tx only which is very likely that it is.
If it is Tx only In the sense of the receiver of the measured data (your arduino) does not have to send back acknowledge answers or anything like that.
Then it should be pretty easy to decipher the datastream.