So i'm making a wireless weather station from this project:
I bought a display from here: 3.2 inch 36PIN 262K Color TFT LCD Screen with Adapter Board HX8357B ILI9481 Drive IC 16Bit Interface 320(RGB)*480
I installed all the libraries mentioned in the project page and when i uploaded the code, the screen stayed white. I changes the "User_Setup.h" as described but that doesn't seem to work. I've been searching for hours on forums and found that people are having the same problem as me but when i tried using the solutions that people found my screen still doesn't work. The only thing i could think of is that I'm using a Arduino DUE, but on the back of the LCD it says "for Arduino Mega2560" do you think that could be the problem?
Arduino DUE:
TFT_HX8357 by Bodmer is the library I initially used with my first TFT, which I bought as a combo with an Arduino MEGA. And it is from this library I learned how to use bit-shuffling to use it with an Arduino Due.
Maybe you already use this library, as "User_Setup.h" is typical Bodmer style.
Make sure you use an actual version, not a clone from obscure provenience.
But there are other libraries known by Library Manager for this display. Type HX8357 into the search box; I got 3 entries.