I am trying to build a 3DoF Stewart Platform using servo motors. Can someone help me with the arduino code for controling the servo positions . I am also using Adafruit I2C PWM board for Servos.
I am trying to build a version of Fluidum by Prusa Lab . So this could be an initial step for that.
Use example code for controlling one servo. Do the same for the PWM board.
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The Adafruit PWM Servo Driver library comes with examples. Have you looked at them and got a servo working ?
i have code for controlling single servo, multiple servo at the same time and multiple servo separately . But all i need is code for controling stewart platform . And Please dont get offended if someone ask for help
Yes bro , I have for that. I just need to know code for synchronous movement of 3 servo motor for stewart platform.
It sounds like "do it for me", not "how do I make it". Maybe, if You wait, someone knowing that platform joins the club. I don't.
Firstly, I am not your "bro" so please don't address me as such and secondly, what is a stewart platform ?
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