4-20mA outputs using Due

Hi, trying to put 3 analog outputs (4-20mA current) on the Due. I've already messed around with an AD420 IC which I can't get to work reliably, so I'm looking for other options. I've heard that the built-in DAC is cruddy, and there's only 2 anyway so not going to try that. Are there any suggestions for ICs out there that can do 4-20mA say via TTL serial or I2C/TWI? Looking for the ultimate in reliability, this is going to be for process control. Or, if something can do 0-5V, I can pair it up with a TI XTR110 that converts 0-5V to 4-20mA. Suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

See if you can make a Due drive a PC sound card.

A quick Google search finds the AD5749. There are probably many more out there from the major semiconductor manufacturers. It seems that this is actually a rare request as most current loop transmitters are built into the sensors and most people want to read a sensor.

There were a few discussions here on the Arduino forum recently, but I can't find them quickly.

Try to make work the AD420, it is the most simple solution for a current loop interface.

See if you can make a Due drive a PC sound card.


A quick Google search finds the AD5749. There are probably many more out there from the major semiconductor manufacturers. It seems that this is actually a rare request as most current loop transmitters are built into the sensors and most people want to read a sensor.

There were a few discussions here on the Arduino forum recently, but I can't find them quickly.

That's SPI, same as the AD420, which I couldn't get to work reliably.

Don't worry. Start with the basics, then dig into the jungle of SPI and cabling your devices.
