4 Stepper Motors, 2 Servo Motors and 4 LEDs wuth Arduino Uno

Hi Arduino-User,

I am new in the arduino-forum to get help for my next project. Therefore I would control 4 stepper motors, 2 servo motors and 4 LEDs. If it is possible I would use therefore my arduino uno, of course with a shield.
But here is my problem, I do not have a lot of experiences with that.

For example I found this shield:
Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit - v2.3 - [u]https://www.adafruit.com/product/1438[/u]

Does this work ?

I hope someone can help me.
If you need more information do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you in advance.

You should read the first of these links before you spend any money
Stepper Motor Basics
Simple Stepper Code

You need to post a link to the datasheet for your stepper motors.

It is unlikely that the shield you have linked to is ideal for driving stepper motors.

For 4 stepper motors a CNC shield or GRBL shield may be more suitable.


Hi Robin2,

First of all, thank you very much for replying to my post.
The links were very usefull.

The motors I have to use you can find in the following link:

The technical datas you will need are sum up her:

Configuration: Bipolar
Current/Phase: 1.68A
Resistance/Phase: 1.65 Ohms
Voltage: 2.772 V
Holding Torque: 3.6 kg-cm
Step Angle: 1.8 Degrees

Looking forward for an answer.

Those are low-impedance motors and really need a specialized stepper driver to work properly. The motor requires 1.68 amps which is too much for an A4988 stepper driver but will probably work OK with a Pololu DRV8825 driver as it can provide a bit more current.



So I will first go with on motor and one drive to "play" with it.

A quick question:
I have two motors who have to run the same amount of steps and also the same speed all the time, but only in different directions ( if motor A run clockwise for 200 steps, at the same time motor B has two run counter-clockwise for 200 steps).
Can I control this two motor with the same pins, only changing the wires of the coil ? And also with the same stepper driver ? (to save money and output-pins on the Arduino)

Thanks for your help.

Can I control this two motor with the same pins, only changing the wires of the coil ? And also with the same stepper driver ? (to save money and output-pins on the Arduino)

In general each motor needs its own stepper driver.

I believe it is possible to run 2 motors from one driver if the motors are connected in series - that is electrically one after the other rather than side by side. I don't know whether it is possible to make the motors go in opposite directions when wired like that, but I suspect it should be.

You can certainly connect two stepper drivers to the same Arduino I/O pins.



yes it is..

hope this site can help :slight_smile:

Acces :
Tutorial (1)
Tutorial (2)
Tutorial (3)

Thanks Robin2.
First, I will go with a stepper driver per motor. And for the question about the opposite directions, I will try.

Also, thanks nielay for your post.
But as I understand with this motor shield I can only run two stepper motors and two servo motors per shield. But I have no other possibility to run other stuff like LEDs or switches. Maybe I am wrong ?


But I have no other possibility to run other stuff like LEDs or switches. Maybe I am wrong ?

I don't have one of those shields but I suspect you are wrong. I imagine that there will be several I/O pins that are not used for either the stepper motors or the servos and would be available for LEDs and switches.

I suspect Adafruit publishes a schematic for the shield which you can study.


Yes, I do not have a lot of experiences with it, at least not yet.

The schematic is here:

Could you help me with finding at least one free I/O pin?
Than you in advance.

I am by no means certain but it looks as if I/O pins 0 to 7 are not used by the shield. Pins 0 and 1 are used for Serial which leaves you free to use Pins 2 to 7 - if I am correct.

Maybe Adafruit has a help Forum?



I will look there.

Last question:

If I use a shield like this:

Are there still some pins left to at some servo motors or other stuff?
Or does the shield need all the pins of the arduino UNO ?

Thank you in advance, and sorry about this basic questions.

Last question:

If I use a shield like this:

I don't know. I don't have one of those. Again, you will need to study the schematic.


Someone else who can help :slight_smile: