5x6 RGB LED Matrix code help - A level project


I have created a circuit using the Ardunio Uno and a custom made PCB to control a 5x6 grid LEDs (I got the idea from solderlab.de). I haven't had a problem with the wiring and soldering side (the rows have been soldered with the common anode pin and the RGB colours have been separately soldered for the columns, however the programming i'm really unsure about. My idea was to have a preset of colours (can be random or just chosen easily) that the "light board" as i call it will display. Any example code on how I could go about doing this would be amazing, I can't find anybody who has done a project the same size as mine where each LED is able to be controlled.

I'm using the PWM pins 5,6,10,11,12.

If i need to give anymore information like my PCB layout then I can, just ask :slight_smile:
Many Thanks


A schematic would be a good start. I don't know how we can program hardware we haven't seen and have no documentation for.
I know we're good but come on, let's be realistic...