A Socket for working with the Atmega 2560 on a proto board?

So far I see some funky looking units that seem to say Atmega 2560 but really are for the Atmega 328 surface mount chips... that or answers so old that the links lead dead websites.

I'm trying to find a solution that will allow me develop on the Atmega 2560 on a breadboard - However, not a full arduino Mega but just the chip itself provided I'd supply my own crystal (since most standalone chips are sold without fuses set to internal oscilator) and program it with Atmels official USB ISP MK2

I've already worked on several projects with an Atmega 328 and I love it but I need more IO (like way more) and more program storage and clock speed.

If there isn't anything available I guess I can mock up a quick schematic in KiKad and print like 10 for probably 30 bucks. Just wondering if there is perhaps some development tool that allows you to pop the chip in and out like this sort of thing:

Now, yes, I know, I know, this is the STK500 development board ($79) and this particular mount adapter is ($83). It's in my considerations. Just want to see if there are any other options before I commit.

Don't know if they make one, but you might try IRONWOOD ELECTRONICS. They seem to have all types of sockets and adapters.

Well I found something. The Atmega 2560 is a 100 pin unit. So I google 100 pin IC Socket. Well... it's 79 bucks... literally the price of an STK500 and an adapter. Think It'll be cheaper to make a 100 pin SMD to DIP adapter in KiKad and ordering the fabrication. Then I can have one deicated 2560 for prototyping

Anything else would probably be something like this:

Have you seen Bob's new 2560 MegaDIP board?


Have you seen Bob's new 2560 MegaDIP board?

I saw a post by crossroads. Seems like what I need. Or almost. It's still not a completely breadboard friendly pcb but it's minimal which is what I am looking for. I'll be designing a pcb and need the 2560 in it's core chip form for that instead of the arduino form.

Bob = Crossroads

"It's still not a completely breadboard friendly pcb"

Not sure what that means.


Bob = Crossroads

"It's still not a completely breadboard friendly pcb"

Not sure what that means.


Don't mind me lol. And gotcha: bob = crossroads. Heh.

Just in case. You can load the arduino bootloader from AVR studio onto 2560 in the same way as with Atmega328P right? Just connect the crystal and 2 caps and set AVR studio read speed to 8th of the controller clock speed and voila?

I've already worked on several projects with an Atmega 328 and I love it but I need more IO (like way more) and more program storage and clock speed.

ATMEGA 1284P is avaialble in 40pin DIP.

ATMEGA 1284P is avaialble in 40pin DIP.

Ah yes, thanks for the notice. I need the flash storage of a Mega though as well it's I/O count. 16 analog and 53 digital. I'll even have to use i2c expanders to get more i/o. It's a pretty demanding project. Thanks for the suggestion.

This one breaks out all 100 pins and works as a standalone Mega:

More for use on island of holes perfboard with wirewrap socket pins or similar.

The MegaDip was designed to be used on a regular breadboard.

Double-Side-Prototype-PCB-Breadboard-100x200mm-4-096V-and-Mega2560-Core-mini2560 €16.99 including shipping.

EX-2560LT-3.jpgprototype board