I'm using the Pololu A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier Black Edition and an Arduino Nano Every to control a Nema 17 stepper motor.
Controlling the motor in Full Step Mode worked just fine!
Now I wanted to set up microstepping. I connected the MS1, MS2 and MS3 pins of the driver to three pins of the Arduino Nano and I adjusted the code (see picture of the code, now the motor should run in 1/16 step mode). But the motor just runs in full step mode just like before.
I checked if the pins and cables are defect but they are working properly. I also triple checked if I defined the pin numbers in the Code correcty. I also tried to set different current limits via the potentiometer on the driver, but that also didn't solve the problem. Unfortunately I have no multimeter at the time, so I changed different current levels "blind" and by the motor sounds, I was very carefull so that I didn't destroy the driver or motor, the motor is working after all, just the microstepping doesn't work. Maybe microstepping requires a specific current and I didn't hit that by trying different currents?
The motor still runs in full step mode, showing no signs of microstepping or any changes in the rotation.
I have the code from a Youtube video. In this video the code is working properly. So maybe I'm lacking of basic understandig. Is there something else to do than just connecting the three wires and adjusting the code to enable microstepping?
I would be very grateful if you could help me.