Hi guys, im looking for an accelerometer, prefably 3 axis, but a 2 axis one would do. What do people use, and how do you interface them?
Most of the ones iv'e seen require 3.3v volts, are these compatable? Im using and Arduino Diecimila.
you are in luck, it was written just a few days ago.
You are going to need to communiate over 3.3V however. Search the forums, someone has asked how to power the Diecimila by 3.3V. I did a quick look but cuoldn't find it.
Sparkfun carries Analog Devices accelerometers, conveniently already mounted on break out boards for ease of soldering pins on. I'm fond of the ADXL320 for my project. You'll need to know your g-forces range when picking the accelerometer
One thing to consider is some accelerometers send a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal, others send an analog signal (a voltage that correlates to it's measurement of gravity)
There is also a tutorial on interfacing these types of accelerometers in the Learning section on Arduino.
As far as voltage, I know the Analog Devices units can take a range of supply voltage, 2.4V-5.25V, so they'll work with the Decimelia or the Pro Minis. (I'm using the pro mini)
I also found the Processing sketch for graphically outputing the values entertaining and useful.
You just gotta tweak the code so the pin input lines up.