Which company do you think has the highest quality/most reliable components? Regardless of the price.
Rolls Royce.
Someone recently said that 75% of all Royces ever built are still running.
(I suspect the rest are at the bottom of rock star swimming pools)
I do. Disclaimer - I work for myself.
I doubt whether any of them actually manufactures anything except their prototypes.
As I told you before, it is a matter of their quality control.
The problem with this forum is that most of the people are searching for "mistakes" in the poster message so they can increase their self esteem/look smart by being ironic even though they understand the meaning of the question, only less then 20% are helpful to the poster (there is a huge topic about this on Reddit). I got no problem with people needing to increase their self esteem using others (seem there are a lot here) but, the moderators should do something about this. I also have a big forum in my country, but it has only one rule: every answer must be focused on helping others more then helping themselves (by being ironic to increase self esteem) and anyone not following this rule is banned. We are a great community and everyone is helping everyone working together like bees.
If anyone is willing to help with personal opinion about the highest module manufacturer, I would appreciate, because there is a need for this. A website where all the components on the market are listed and people can rate their quality because not everyone are looking for best deals, some like me are interested in highest quality components possible. For tools there is a YouTube channel called Project Farm which is doing comparisons and quality tests of the products, but there is also a need for something like this on electronic components. For me the best components I found until now are the ones made by Adafruit, but I did not tried all the major companies, so I would also like to know your opinion. Which company do you think have the most reliable modules? Because buying the chineese ones on asian websites is more like gambling.
Best post only to that forum then; you will be much happier.
I doubt anyone has studied the issue, so you are likely to get only anecdotes. Here's mine: I've had good luck with all three but usually go first to Adafruit when I buy a product that is new to me, because I think they do a good job with their tutorials (so I want to support them for that) and because I have had decent experience with their customer service.
First of all, it's a pretty meaningless question. "Which is best" is less important than "does each have adequate quality." Without extensive purchases and actual testing, there could be only speculation.
Second, you need to realize that all of those vendors are at least in part "brokers." Yes, they have some of their own products, they also sell a lot of "found" products - generic things probably manufactured somewhere in China, hopefully by a vendor that they have some "relationship" with so that qualify complaints, if they occur, might actually have some results. But it could also mean that the "Neopixel strip" you buy today was not manufactured by the same people that made the strip that you bought six months ago.
I've bought stuff from both Adafruit and Sparkfun, and quality has appeared to be adequate. I've spent more at Adafruit, but I think that's largely because I prefer their "A SAMD51 is a logical next step after the SAMD21" attitude over Sparkfun's "Here's some neat boards based on chips you've never heard of!" Adafruit's documentation is superb, and their contributions to OSHW and OSSW are undeniable. Sparkfun... is less spectacular in the SW space, I think.
I've never bought from DFRobot, primarily because I'm not particularly into robotics.
the moderators should do something about this.
Maybe they should close this thread for being "inflammatory" and calling for unsupported opinions. I don't see how it would be possible for you to get meaningful results.
Do you communicate with dances and pheromones?
The suppliers to satellite manufacturers are. Their cost is enourmous!!
The main problem with this forum is not the attitude of respondents, is that people start threads without reading or respecting the forum guidelines. It's usually because of this, that satirical or unhelpful replies are floated. People just get tired of explaining obvious weaknesses in a first post, that wouldn't exist if the poster just asked a well thought out, well explained question and supplied information that is obviously needed there, and not after having it pried out of them after 30 replies in a game of 100 questions.
First: Your question is problematic in that the answer in this forum can be opinion or based on a very small sample size. A number of folks stated their belief (which I share) that the folks you referred to likely have their product outsourced. So at any given time they could all be using the same mfg, or next batch could come from somewhere else.
Second: Taking a review of this forum from Reddit is almost laughable. Or do you believe "if its on Reddit it must be true".
Third: Please post the name of the "big forum in my country". I cannot believe human beings could act that way. Unless the forum is in a country where the government determines what you can say.
If you feel my post is to increase my "self esteem" I really don't care. I frequent this forum because I've gained some knowledge during my career and wish to not see that knowledge go without someone else benefit from it. I don't need to post for my self esteem, I post here because it makes me feel good when I've helped someone.
I do have a rule that the folks asking the question be honestly engaged.
I only posted this because your self righteous attitude annoyed me
AND I don't have a problem with folks posting to increase their self esteem. As long as they don't attach others and don't mislead the OP its all fine with me.
Most of the people
less then 20% are helpful
That’s rich.
There is one rule here too, follow the posting rules.
Why leave that big forum
It has exceeded 24 hours, which to most of us is a complete sleep-wake-forum-sleep cycle, so perhaps the OP has blissfully heeded his own advice and retired to the Always Friendly Forum for his essential information.
It's really hard to pick one. All of them sell high-quality products. If I take user-friendly documentation into consideration, I'll keep sparkfun a bit ahead of the other two.
I participate in these fora to help people, and to help myself. I have always said I probably learn more, take, more than I give.
I learn about C/C++, I learn about people, I learn about myself.
It is sometimes a slog, and we must be forgiven (!) for attempting, occasionally, to inject a bit of humor into the proceedings.
If you think it is at your expense, feel free to cry me a river. I left out an important word, used frequently for emphasis, in the previous sentence.
I buy from everywhere, but lately I have spent more money buying closer to home for reasons.
If only what you paid had any relation to what you get! At least Adafruit has brilliant fulfillment and so far has been wonderful about standing behind their products. Too, I feel like Lady Ada and her crew have really gone far and beyond with all the support on their website, all the libraries and so forth. I think of paying higher prices as helping them with that. No one is getting obscenity rich over there, so.
I wouldn't build anything that was going to the Moon or into someone's chest cavity if I was asking questions here about quality… I use a real alarm clock, despite having designed and built, well never mind precisely how many.
I don't know if Adafruit have chill pills for sale.
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