for Adafruit_ILI9340/1 and ILI9341_due: what is TFT_DC for ?
Perhaps, can it be dropped, by fixed wiring like LED Vc or e.g., like TFT_RST?
Data / Control
No, you can not hard wire it.
Incidentally, the ILI9320 does not use a separate line for D/C when using the SPI interface.
Instead it wastes a whole byte as a preamble to each command.
Most other controllers use a separate DC with 8-bit SPI. They also have 9-bit mode where DC is the 9th bit.,
You appear to be interested in the subject of graphics displays. I am sure that Wikipedia has good articles. And the data sheet explains the low level details.
haha, thanks but I'm interested in anything but hardware low level stuff and data sheets about that subject
But I#m actually curious about what "DC" stands for...
Data / Control. I don't know how more obvious I can be.
In another thread, you asked about the values of the constructor parameters.
You should find that all Arduino libraries have got proper documentation as HTML.
In fact, Mr Karlsen publishes PDF files for the documentation. Unfortunately, I can't copy-paste the relevant entry from the PDF.
If you can't find HTML or PDF documentation, just read "UTouch.h"
UTouch(byte tclk, byte tcs, byte tdin, byte dout, byte irq);
Data / Control. I don't know how more obvious I can be.
I admittedly was just stuck on AC/DC
In fact, Mr Karlsen publishes PDF files for the documentation. Unfortunately, I can't copy-paste the relevant entry from the PDF.
If you can't find HTML or PDF documentation, just read "UTouch.h"Code: [Select]
UTouch(byte tclk, byte tcs, byte tdin, byte dout, byte irq);
thank you very much!