Advertising on Arduino Project hub

See the image, there are now spam posts on the Project Hub.
There is no report button.
Example project:

Project hub is a mess and should remove anything over a year old unless it is actively maintained. (if anyone is reading)

Very true, it sometimes misleads people too…

Thanks for your report @v205. I have deleted the spam comments on that project.

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Thank you!
As a suggestion: why not a report button?

And another one…
With some AI

I'm afraid I don't have an answer for that. I don't have any involvement in the development of Arduino Project Hub. Maybe one of the Arduino team members involved in Project hub will comment.

I was given moderation privileges in Project Hub last year after I complained about the spam comments but the truth is that I haven't been very active in maintaining over there because I have plenty enough to do already here on the forum alone. Part of the problem is that there isn't any easy way to comprehensively monitor the comments so I mostly only do it if I happen to stumble across some spam or see someone post about it here. A report review queue like we have here on the forum would allow us to moderate it more efficiently, but I'm sure it would not be simple to implement such a system (fortunately the forum's Discourse framework provides that functionality for us here, but I think the Arduino developers would have to write the code for it in the case of the Project Hub).

Thanks. I have deleted it.

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Makes sense, one downside of loosing Hackster’s platform(I believe they have a report button)

Exactly! Though I'm not sure it was actually very useful at that time. I flagged dozens of blatantly malicious spam comments back in the days when Arduino Project Hub was using the framework and the comments were all still there when I checked back a couple of years later. I don't know whether the reports were going to Hackster or Arduino, but they certainly weren't being dealt with.

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Huh, that’s interesting, perhaps a certain amount of flags are needed, and/or human work wasn’t being done…
Kind of sad, I still have yet to find a ideal project sharing platform(Instructables isn’t too bad…)

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