I'm working on a project where I've been using the ATTINY85, but I need more flash memory for my application. I recently came across the ATTINY167-AXD, which seems to offer more flash. However, I'm not entirely sure about the specifics of the "AXD" suffix.
Does anyone have experience with this specific variant (ATTINY167-AXD) or know if there are other good alternatives to the ATTINY85 that provide more flash memory, but are still in the same general family of microcontrollers? Ideally, I'm looking for something with a similar pin count and size.
Check the manufacturer's data sheet. The chances of buying the genuine chip from Aliexpress are low, since they are special order, at least from Digikey.
Thanks for your advice, but do you know another chip?
The best way is to have an ATTINY85 with 16ko mini, with one or two more pin and the same size/price
I'm working with I2C screen/sensors too
There are SS/, MOSI, MISO, and SCK signals are available with the ATtiny1604 MCU; so, it can aslo be porgrammed using Arduino as ISP or any other AVR Programmer. Is it correct?
You should not just follow the links. You should also read what is written there. Then you would also know that you can continue to use your Uno for programming the tinyAVRs.