Hello all,
I come to you today with a request of troubleshooting my first Arduino project. I saw some old Roomba projects where they used an arduino to make it controllable, and in the long run I would like to make mine controllable from my phone. I am following the specifications from http://www.irobot.lv/uploaded_files/File/iRobot_Roomba_500_Open_Interface_Spec.pdf and I got some code from another source. I tried following it to a 'T' but to no avail. All my roomba does is power on with the arduino then stops and doesn't do anything, and the scary part is, I don't even get a serial code from it.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
int rxPin = 2;
int txPin_nss = 3;
int ddPin = 4;
// define "sciSerial" as a NewSoftSerial serial port on those pins
SoftwareSerial sciSerial(rxPin,txPin_nss);
// define which pin will have an LED connected to it for simple status
int ledPin = 13;
// define a 10-byte array for holding sensor data
char sensorbytes[10];
// define what types to send for a "bump right" and "bump left" command
// which we will use later in the code
#define bumpright (sensorbytes[0] & 0x01)
#define bumpleft (sensorbytes[0] & 0x02)
// start the rest of the setup routine by creating the "setup" function
void setup() { // NOTE: all Arduino sketches must have a "setup" function
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // set the mode of the pin "ledPin"
pinMode(ddPin, OUTPUT); // set the mode of the pin "ddPin"
sciSerial.begin(115200); // set the baud rate of the port "sciSerial"
// (defined above)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn on the LED to say we're alive
// wake up the robot by flashing the "data detect" pin
digitalWrite(ddPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ddPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ddPin, HIGH);
// set up the Roomba OI to receive commands (see OI manual)
sciSerial.write(128); // START (always first command)
sciSerial.write(131); // CONTROL (same as "Safe Mode")
// turn off the LED to confirm that we're done setting up Roomba
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
// do a little dance (routine defined below) to confirm that
// the Roomba is ready to receive commands
} // this bracket indicates the end of the setup routine
// define what a "dance" is. (used in setup routine above).
// this is simply a combination of the goForward, goBackward,
// and stopMoving functions (with some delays) which will be
// defined later.
void dance() {
Serial.println("Preparing to dance");
Serial.println("Done Dancing");
} // this bracket indicates the end of the dance routine
// Now that we've setup the Roomba and did a dance to verify
// everything is working, we start the main loop of the program
void loop() { // NOTE: all Arduino sketches must have a "loop" function
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn on LED to say we're starting loop
updateSensors(); // run the updateSensors function (defined below)
// to check for a bump
Serial.println("Sensors are updated");
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn on LED to say we've finished
// updating the sensors
// after getting the sensor values, check the bump sensor values and
// turn if we bumped
if(bumpleft) { // bumpleft is defined near the top of this program as a
// particular byte (0x01) in the "sensorbytes" array we
// created to hold the sensor data returned by
// the updateSensors function.
delay(1000); // should be the approx. time for 90-degree turn
// if we didn't hit the bumpleft sensor, did we hit the bumpright?
else if(bumpright) {
delay(1000); // should be the approx. time for a 90-degree turn
// once we're done checking the sensors, go back to moving forward,
// even if you were already moving forward
// Now here is where we define all of those other things we've used
void goForward() {
sciSerial.write(137); // Roomba's DRIVE command
sciSerial.write((byte)0x00); // Velocity high byte, HEX 00
sciSerial.write(0xc8); // Velocity low byte, HEX C8 (00C8=200mm/sec)
sciSerial.write(0x80); // Radius high byte, HEX 80
sciSerial.write((byte)0x00); // Radius low byte, HEX 00 (8000=straight)
void goBackward() {
sciSerial.write(137); // Roomba's DRIVE command
sciSerial.write(0x38); // Velocity FF38 = -200 mm/sec (backwards)
sciSerial.write((byte)0x00); // Radius 8000 = go straight
void spinLeft() {
sciSerial.write(137); // Roomba's DRIVE command
sciSerial.write(0xc8); // Velocity of spin 00C8 = 200 mm/sec
sciSerial.write(0x01); // Radius 0001 = spin left
void spinRight() {
sciSerial.write(137); // Roomba's DRIVE command
sciSerial.write(0xc8); // Velocity of spin 00C8 = 200 mm/sec
sciSerial.write(0xff); // Radius FFFF = spin right
void stopMoving() {
sciSerial.write(137); // Roomba's DRIVE command
sciSerial.write((byte)0x00); // Velocity 0000 = stopped
sciSerial.write((byte)0x00); // Radius 0000 = nothing
void updateSensors() {
sciSerial.write(142); // Roomba's SENSORS command
sciSerial.write(1); // get sensor packet group 1, which is 10
// bytes long. This packet group starts with
// packet 7, of which the first two bits are
// for the bumpleft and bumpright sensors
delay(64); // wait for sensor data
// before storing the new sensor data, wipe the old sensor data
char i = 0; // start at position 0 in the array
while (i < 10) { // do a loop until i=10
sensorbytes[i++] = 0; // set the byte to 0 and then increment
// the loop counter
} // this bracket is the end of the "wipe data" loop
// go back to position 0 to prepare to receive the new data
// this is the loop to actually read the incoming data and store it
while(sciSerial.available()) { // start the loop - check if there is
// data coming in,
int c = sciSerial.read(); // read it and store the current
// byte as "c"
// error routine to flash the LED 5 times if c= -1
// (this shouldn't happen)
if( c==-1 ) {
for( int i=0; i<5; i ++ ) { // loop to flash LED 5 times
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
} // this brack is the end of the flashing loop
} // this bracket is the end of the error routine
// since we've read a byte, save it in the sensorbytes array at
// position "i", and then increment "i"
sensorbytes[i++] = c;
} // this bracket is the end of the read incoming data loop
} // this bracket is the end of the updatesensors function
This code is exactly what i have which is exactly what I copied from the other guy to see if I was making any mistakes. The only difference between mine and his is Arduino 1.x.x doesn't supper "Serial.println(v, BYTE);" so I had to use Serial.write(); . I am wondering if that's the problem... or if I'm just making a little mistake. I have the pins plugged in accordingly to the correct ports I believe, and i'm powering the roomba with a 9v battery. I also don't have the miniDin adapter for the roomba so I am just using jumper cables... All it does is turn on and the light will stay solid even though the code says when no signal to blink.. I am unsure what is happening, any help would be greatly appreciated!