Anyone know what is this chip?


Do you have anymore context than that ?
Where did you find it, what application is it being use it, etc etc
Are there any markings on the chip ?
You obviously got that from KiCAD i imagine, so what's the description

As a starting point...
Let's go with C8250
in KiCAD here is what comes up
2023-09-09 14_25_49-Choose Symbol (16335 items loaded)

2023-09-09 14_25_39-Choose Symbol (16335 items loaded)

However the pin out is not even close to that of yours

8250 Seems to keep pointing me back to a Serial UART

2023-09-09 14_36_55-8250 UART - Wikipedia

When you're hacking devices you generally have a picture of the Hardware.
Can you supply a picture, because i think that C8250 is leading us in the wrong direction.
Because in the first place your chip is a 15Pin DIP and the C8250 is a 20Pin DIP

It looks like a device (processor?) with (kind of) an SPI interface: DO, DI, DCLK.
It also has an analog comparator with COMPREF and COMPI/COMPO I/O.
LOP/LON and LIP/LIN look like a full duplex serial (differential?) current loop I/O port.

The whole thing looks like a COMBO, a custom chip with multiple peripheral modules.

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Maybe some sort of comms / modem interface chip.

With so little context from @MianQi it's all guesswork as I suspect that the C8250 is probably the second half of an actual chip number and has been shortened by the designer of the circuit.

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What is the circuit of?

Please post the complete schematic so we can see the component in context.

Thanks.. Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:


it is indeed a stab in the dark.
Not even a picture of the original chip just an icon from KiCAD
and all we have to go off is C8250

I can see why he doesn't know what this part is
However, if he's trying to hack it, You'd think he'd have a photo of the physical chip and what it's connected to

then it were most helpful to follow all connections till known chips or circuits.

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Yep, Exactly
but until he responds with more information i'm going to leave this one alone.

I am interested though to have found this category on device hacking, i didn't even know we had this
I'm confused as to how this works though

You've been here longer, so give me your opinion on this...

Say i want to conduct boundary scanning on a device, it's a router or Network tester of some manner , I have one in mind, Let's say i want to calibrate and adjust it
and i have a JTAGulator (which i actually do)

so.. No Arduino Dev Boards
No Arduino Discussion in way shape or form
No Talk about RTOS or IDE

on those grounds are we will allowed to post that here and discuss it.
i thought this forum was PURELY for Arduino related discussion and things like STACK was for what i'm describing

Sorry, I want to make it clearer when erased the surrounding components, actually makes it confusion. The whole drawing is:

Looks like it may be a design for data comms over AC lines?

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Where did you get the schematic?
By the loos of it, it looks like a first draft of an idea.

Me too...
I'm a bit worried abut the 12V supply, being unregulated, and the 5V, which ever point that comes from.

@MianQi Is this your circuit?

Have you seen the actual hardware?
What do you want to do with it?

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Exactly my thoughts...

He wants to Hack the Chip and play around a little to see what he can find
He wants to know what the chip is

How would you hack if if you don't have it to at least provide a picture of it...
so yes, Until we see the Actual hardware, and the markings on it... I agree
what's the point here ?

we can guess the purpose of the circuit but his question still doesn't get answered.

Someone asked me explain these circuits for him, I could explain the other 5, they are:


+1 for some kind of powerline comms...

So where did he get the circuit from?

Does he know what it's supposed to do?

What does CON1 connect to?

r5f51403 matches a Renesas microcontroller:

Is it?

Does the drawing not have a title? Or identify its author? Any other clues?

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Are all these circuits from the same device?

Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Great guessing game. Would be much easier if the part numbers were on the schematics.

Yep. Like a moth to a flame, when I get a few spare minutes I try another combination of search words revolving around the words C8250, Modem, AC, Line etc.

I'm thinking that the C8250 reference is a partial part number. Of course that assumes that the original designer didn't edit the part field in the schematic.....

Maybe @MianQi will come back with more details.

Reminds me of one of the old TV gameshows where squares were slowly uncovered to reveal the hidden image!

Someone said it maybe audio power amplifier with SPI interface?