Hello, i m on a project for my diploma.I have an Arduino Due and intend to connect it with a picoprojector.Generally,some data which are proccessed in the Due board,will be driven to the picoprojector.So i m asking...Is the "Arduino Due" compatible with hdmi output?Or at least vga output (for cheaper picoprojectors)
If yes,do i need libraries/shields for it?
If no,what alternative options there are?
HDMI output is far beyond the capability of the Due unfortunately.
I've used my VGA library on a normal-sized projector and it worked fine. I haven't got a picoprojector to try it on though. It can be used to generate VGA signals or PAL/NTSC, if the picoprojector has VGA or composite inputs it should work fine. See this thread:
Yeah i ve seen this and i 've downloaded the library already.So ''due'' doesnt support hdmi...Alright.Thanks a lot for the info!It s a pity though cuz the board is a very good piece of work.
If you're set on HDMI, you could look at using a Raspberry Pi, or Beaglebone Black; both of which are reasonably priced, run Linux, and have an on-board micro-hdmi output.
Yes,i have a raspberry here too.My teacher informed me about the beagleboard also...Damn all these stuff are so interesting,i gotta use them all
If you need an HDMI output, And Arduino Compatibility, Try the pcDuino2.
1GHz ARM Cortex A8 CPU
GPU: OpenGL ES2.0, OpenVG 1.1 Mali 400 core
Onboard Storage: 4GB Flash, microSD card (TF) slot for up to 32GB
Arduino-Style Peripheral Headers
HDMI Video Output
Linux3.0 + Ubuntu12.04 and Android ICS 4.0 Supported
0.1" Spaced GPIO Headers
RJ45 Ethernet Connection and On-Board Wi-Fi Module
Power Requirements: 2A @ 5VDC
API to access the following interfaces:
Program in C, C++ with GNU tool chain
Java with Android SDK
DUE cannot directly drive differential signals required by the HDMI standard. However, it is possible to bridge it with a graphic controller together with a HDMI encoder. The graphic controller supports SPI and 8080 with frame buffer allocated in SDRAM. This is similar to caching in PC. Although an Arduino running at 48MHz takes time to render a single screen, it is possible to load contents to SDRAM and call them by 2D copy functions.
Prototypes created and proven. Also compatible with M0, teensy, Genuino 101 too. The shield is only 3.3V compatible although a UNO can drive it too (in theory), but the slow of 4MHz SPI really takes time even to preload a single image.
Video at :