Arduino DUE does not start until is not pressed Reset button

After powered up, my Arduino DUE does nothing. I must to press Reset to start sketch previously uploaded. Power from USB or power from barrel jack does not affect this behavior.

Is this normal? Or this mean, that reset circuit has problem?

PS: reset from USB (via DTR) starts sketch too.

Title states "UNO" but text states "Due".

I do not own a Due, but all YNO with Optiboot autorun at power-on.

I would expect a Due to autorun. Else, how would unattended restart work?
Maybe a Due owner will validate.


If you have an Arduino older than Uno Rev3, you may be suffering from the "reset overshoot" problem described here:
Regression between uno and uno R2 VALIDATED. HARDWARE PROBLEM CONFIRMED - Suggestions for the Arduino Project - Arduino Forum These were especially common in the Uno R2.
The fix is a clamping diode (any general purpose diode) between reset and +5V (cathode on +5V, anode on reset), which you can do like:

Title states "UNO" but text states "Due".

I'm sorry, mistyped. My Arduino Uno R3 starts immediately after power up, Arduino Mega 2560 R3 too, but latest purchased / my new Arduino Due R3 does not start.


Did you solve this problem of "AutoStart" with the Due?

I also have the same problem.


Due won't start after power off-on, have to reset
I have tested this and works fine.

Do you have anything drawing power through the Due? A display screen? I always need to push restart after power up because the 7" screen i use draws a lot of power. I've measured 600 mA through the whole Due/Shield/Screen assembly. On power the screen illuminates then on reset the sketch runs and the screen template layout appears.

Do you have anything drawing power through the Due? A display screen? I always need to push restart after power up because the 7" screen i use draws a lot of power. I've measured 600 mA through the whole Due/Shield/Screen assembly. On power the screen illuminates then on reset the sketch runs and the screen template layout appears.

I am currently protoyping a arduino Uno with a 3.5" display screen and am having the same issue of it won't boot up. I need to push the reset pin to get it to reboot and run the commands.
How did you go about fixing your issue? Separate power source with separate voltage regulator? for the display screen

I am currently protoyping a arduino Uno with a 3.5" display screen and am having the same issue of it won't boot up. I need to push the reset pin to get it to reboot and run the commands.
How did you go about fixing your issue? Separate power source with separate voltage regulator? for the display screen

Are you using an UNO or a DUE ?

I had this problem using a Due where the screen wouldn’t launch or run the program, I added a delay at the top of the setup to allow the screen time to power up and everything worked fine after that. I did not have the same problem with my UNO though.


And I tried it with an additional power supply hooked up to the arduino board. I think it is the onboard voltage regulator. Can't push out the amps the screen and arduino needs to fully boot. Will try with a external 7805 voltage regulator to see if that helps.

After field testing with my uno. My system also includes a DHT22 (RHT03) Humidity and Temperature sensor. I have come to find out that the DHT22 is the one drawing a large sum of current upon power up.

When the DHT 22 is removed from the circuit by either removing pin connecting DHT22 pin2 (Data) to the arduino, OR, completely removing the DHT22 from the circuit bread board, the arduino has no issue booting up. Which shows that the power draw from the DHT22 is pulling hard on the arduino not letting it boot up.

I am also noteing that when I have switched my DHT22 to a different pin on the Arduino, I dont have any issues with it booting up. Perhapse the original pin it was connected (PIN4) on my Arduino is toast and I didn't know it.