Arduino DUE - Needs to press the Reset button before sketech runs


I have a Due. My sketch runs fine on it, however, if power is interrupted even for a few minutes, when power is reconnected, one needs to press the Reset button otherwise the sketch will not run.

The only way to run the sketch is either by re-uploading the sketch or by pressing the Reset button after power is connected. Obviously this problem makes this board useless.

Any help is appreciated.

To solve this issue, see this thread, #reply 79:

Thank you.

Connecting 10K resistor and a 100uf did not work for me but connecting a 10KOhm resistor as shown below worked.

Is this something only compatible R3 boards suffer from?

Thanks again.

I guess new versions don't suffer this issue:

Yes @ard_newbie, you are correct. Apparently they have incorporated that resistor.

I noticed all compatible boards I checked would have this problem. The know if a board will have that problem, look to the right of the ISCP header (DC input would be to your left). If the resistor at the top pin of the ISCP header is horizontal, then the board would have the same issue. Newer boards have a vertical resistor.

Thanks again for your help.