arduino DUE + LCD TFT01 Arduino Mega Shield v2.0 , can it work

hi guys

i have am Arduino DUE & a 7.0" TFT LCD Screen Module from Elecfreaks

and I have a mega shield

i used the shield with a Mega board and the screen and it works fine but its toooooo slow :fearful: i came with the idea to connect the fast Due instead of Mega

can i use the same shield i know that mega is 5v based and due is 3.3v like the screen

will that burn my mega and can i do any adjustments to my shield to make it work or will i need to buy new shield

also is there a pcb i can make directly to connect screen to Due without shield

thanks :grin:

The TFT01 LCD module is work in 3.3V voltage level and it's not compatible with Arduino MEGA pins , so we make a shield for Arduino MEGA. Now user can directly plug the TFT01 in the shield and stand on the Arduino MEGA board.

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