I'm sure a lot of you advanced users already know this but I did a little digging because I use notepad++ for a lot of my engineering and a fair amount of programming.
If you are used to notepad++ you can hook it the Arduino Compiler
Arduino IDE
File->Preferences->use external editor
open notpad++
Run->dialog box with path to arduino.exe space and $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)
It should look something like the following with the quotes!
I thought I'd give Notepad++ a go, but when I tried this:
Arduino IDE
File->Preferences->use external editor
open notpad++
Run->dialog box with path to arduino.exe space and $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)
I get an error box titled "Bad File Selected" and "Arduino can only open its own sketches and other files ending in .ino or .pde" and the exclamation mark in triangle warning sign.
And then a second warning box "Failed to open sketch "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\change.log"
The arduino IDE window(s) open, greyed out, but nothing appears in Notepad++
I guess this is not normal. Any suggestions re: what is wrong?
I'm using Win 10, IDE 1.6.7 and Notepad++ 6.9
Yes notepad++ is great.
I often use it in conjunction with realterm as the serial monitor.
Does that setup let you see status of CTS, RI, DCD, DSR and set status of RTS and DTR? I use hTerm for that and it's ability to seamlessly move between ASCII, Hex, and binary representation. Those 4 input lines can be incredibly useful.
I use Sublime Text for my text editing needs (used N++ for a while, saw the light about 4 years ago and haven't looked back). I think it can be better linked to the IDE with an addon, but I haven't bothered to set that up. Means lots of copy-paste between that and the IDE, but anything is better than using the IDE for actual editing
Update to my earlier post - I realised I had the default "Change.log" tab open before (I had just installed a fresh copy of Notepad++) so I closed it and tried again with nothing open.
Now I just get warning: "Failed to open sketch 'new 1'" and the arduino windows open greyed as before.