My arduino IDE keeps complaining that a copy of my IDE is inside the sketchbook folder. I have deleted my sketchbook folder and reinstalled the IDE but it still doesn't work.
BTW I have a mac.
Any suggestions?
My guess is that the sketchbook location is set to a parent folder of the IDE installation location. If the IDE won't load then you can't change the sketchbook location in File > Preferences. You may be able to edit the value of sketchbook.path in /Users/{username}/Library/Arduino15/preferences.txt to fix the issue.
The other option is to install the IDE in a different location that's not inside the sketchbook folder location.
Try deleting or renaming the Library/Arduino15 folder in your home directory and reinstalling the IDE.
(Note: The 'Library' folder is greyed out in Finder and can't be opened with a double-click. To browse the contents of 'Library', ctrl-click on it and select "Open in New Tab" from the pop-up menu.)