Hi, i need to know what is the most suitable arduino for a program that tells me when I have new mail and turn on a light
please help
Hi, i need to know what is the most suitable arduino for a program that tells me when I have new mail and turn on a light
please help
Promini. Small, doesn't use much power. What's the sensor for detecting new mail? How far away is the mailbox?
Much too generic question.
However you need something that can connect to the internet so HOW WILL YOU DO THAT
Wireless ?
Ethernet ?
Your thinking e-mail vs snail mail. That would make a difference.
You covered one I covered the other LOL
Ethernet,the connection it with a email address (Gmail) and i accept suggestion because
I'm a little new at this. i am working with arduino and python
You have a few choices but a consideration might be size or power requirements etc.
My own point of view would be a UNO or a 101
If power is not an issue then adding an Ethernet shield should not be an issue to either board but also having Bluetooth as with the 101 might give you a couple of extra options to ping a phone or other Bluetooth device.
If power is an issue you may want to consider something else like the MKR or other low power board with battery capability. Again its possible to add Ethernet in some form to most boards but not always as a simple shield.
What type of notification are you looking to get from it ?
Audio ?
Visual ?
Mechanical ?
Some other communication signal ?
The notification, am with a led (Visual)
by chance you've have done something like this before, link an Arduino with Gmail, and receive notification by a visual signal?
Not done this personally but have seen lots of similar projects.
Using an LED for a notification would probably be very easy.
there are also a lot of other variations...Bluetooth, Various wireless, no Ethernet but using other software talking to the Arduino...Your choice is almost unlimited..
Because Arduinos are such an active device and so many people using them there is always a good chance that if you think of it then somebody has already done it...
Quite often you just need to tailor the code to suit your particular needs.
My Ethernet enabled Arduinos send data to Thingspeak which then sends me notifications to my phone if I tell it to
BTW can you change your post title to something more appropriate eg. Arduino led email notification
Thanks for you help, I will see the link that you provided me
If you have to access Gmail via SSL normal Ardunios will have a hard time accessing you mailbox.
another question, I need to set any api gmail to work this?
another question, I need to set any api gmail to work this?
You probably want to use Method: users.messages.list | Gmail | Google for Developers.
This API needs HTTPS.