Arduino Nano 33 IOT Firmware Problem


I just got a nano 33 iot because of its size and functionality.

However, the WifiNina library programs are uploading but not actually working. The console keeps telling me to upgrade the firmware.

Despite this, when I go to the FirmwareUpdater sketch in the WifiNINA library, and click upload, I keep getting the error "Unable to communicate with ESP32 boot ROM!"

The FirmwareChecker does work and reads:

-Current firmware: 1.0.0
-Latest firmware version available : 1.2.1

Does anyone have an idea on what the problem may be?

Also, I am on Windows 10 and the Arduino IDE is version is 1.8.9

Thank you


I have an update. After playing around with the IDE, I got the firmware to update and it is now on the latest version and states: 1.2.1

I was hoping this would fix my problem but when I go and try to update any other WifiNina program in the library, it never works.

The code uploads just fine to the microcontroller, however, I never get the correct output.

For example, I just uploaded the Scan Networks sketch in the WIFI NINA library. It prints in the serial monitor the MAC address and that it is scanning...

However, about ten seconds later it prints "0 networks"

This happens with all of the sketches in the library...

Thank you again

Could it be a broken board?

I am new to this hobby and just got it.

I would hate to have to wait to get another one?
