Hello guys. I am using an arduino nano, and a gps module neo 6m 0 001, and i can't get the led of neo 6m start blinking. From where i read, they say it cannot connet to sattelites. I am in a clear area outside. It s the second neo 6m gps that i am trying to start. I was waiting for more than 2 hours. Maybe is a software problem?
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That should be OK, that board feeds the VCC pin to a regulator which supplies the 3.3V needed for the GPS, so if it get a fix the light should flash.
Do note that the GPS module itself is a 3.3V logic device and as such is intended for connection to a 3.3V logic Arduino but the the Nano is a 5V logic level device.
The "Red Led" should be glowing constantly (if the module is powered correctly) until it achieves satellite lock ,when it does so it will "be blinking" .
check the wires and the breadboard for continuity
Run this program with the GPS in a good outdoor position, clear view of the sky and horizon etc, the output on the Serial monitor will indicate how good the satellite signals are;
#define RXpin 2 //this is the pin that the Arduino will use to receive data from the GPS
#define TXpin -1 //this is the pin that the Arduino can use to send data (commands) to the GPS - not used
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial GPS(RXpin, TXpin);
void loop()
while (GPS.available())
void setup()
Serial.println("GPS_Echo Starting");
FYI I have one of these and it's sits on the window ledge and gets a signal quite easily. When I was testing it, I took it outside and it would get a signal without the antenna. You don't need any arduino to test it works. Just power it and if the led starts to flash you have gps lock and it works. Attaching an Arduino just allows you to see the data
The red light, just appear for 3 second and goes off when antenna is not attached. And i was in the middle of nowhere, for more than 1 hour, nothing happend. I am preaty sure the module is powered correctly, because i coonected the arduino nano and gps module without breadboard(directly) and it s the same problem.