Im working on a project regarding the said SUBJECT of this topic, would anyone recommend me
on how to actually linked these 4 Subjects, where should I start, any recommendation of topics
books please do provide me links :slight_smile: Thank You.

OpenCV isn't really an Arduino topic.

Arduino won't be of much use for that project. Too small and slow.

Im working on a project regarding the said SUBJECT of this topic, would anyone recommend me
on how to actually linked these 4 Subjects, where should I start, any recommendation of topics
books please do provide me links :slight_smile: Thank You.

It's a perfect job for SAM / Due.
The main issue is how you structure your code.
Also check ATmel Visual Studio it has SOME applicable code.
OpenCV forum always has some discussion on "license plate recognition", I would also recommend you check that.
My biggest issue was and still is in using USB as real time video input.

Best of luck to your.
