Arduino Overheats instantly [SOLVED]

I use a micro Servo (9g). But when I plug it in (Pin 5, GND, 5V) it instantly overheats. Idk what to do.

Sorry for the Bad Pic quality.
Yellow (Black): PIN 5
Red (White): GND
Brown (Blue): 5V

Who or what?

Do you mean the servo overheats? I've had that happen with a bad servo before. It wouldn't turn and just overheated instantly.

the board overheats

no the board overheats srry didn't write that

Which Arduino board do you have? What are the indications of overheating. Is a chip hot to the touch, or has the smoke escaped from a chip?


So the servo doesn't get hot? Only the board? What board?

Maybe your wiring is wrong. Wouldn't it be a good idea to show us?

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Arduino Uno and the 509Y Chip Gehts hot to touch and then the Arduino shuts off

Ok, then don't read my posts. See if I care.

Arduino Uno. Just Uploaded a picture

That part you circled is a fuse. Have you been able to turn the Arduino back on?

Are you sure your servo is hooked up correctly? A hand drawn schematic would be better.

Servo - Arduino
Brown(black) - GND
Red - +5V
Orange - D5

How is the circuit be powered?

Oh god i switched GND and 5V. I am going to try again.

Thank you I pinned the cables wrong.

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Thanks for that. When additional information is requested, please don't edit your original post. It makes the replies seem out of context and makes the timeline of the thread hard to follow. Just post in a new message.

Rather than apologizing for the bad image quality, could you please post a clear one? It shows the part you mentioned, but it is difficult to see how you have wired things. It would be useful if you could also post a wiring diagram.

Does that mean the problem is solved? You could edit the thread title and add [SOLVED] if that is the case.


ty for the tipps

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