Trying to get up and running with a new Arduino Uno R3. When I launch the Arduino software on my Mac, the menu bar is blank so I cannot go to tools and select the port to be able to upload to it. See the screenshot below.
Tried 1.0.5 and 1.5 beta. Running OSX 10.9. Updated Java to latest, Java test in Safari shows SE 7 update 25.
I can't even quit using CMD+Q, the menu is frozen it seems. Have to use force quit.
you could try running a vurtual machine, wouldn't solve your problem but at least you can work (try ubuntu)
I thought about that. I have a Win 7 VM in VMware fusion but NO usb devices are working properly when i select them to pass through, appears a USB controller driver is not working based on device manager. Can't find any helpful info, tried reinstalling the driver pack.
I'll try an Ubuntu VM and see if i can get that going.
OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)? The latest official release is 10.8.4.
I'm using OS X10.8.4 and Arduino IDE 1.0.5.
Arduino IDE 1.0.5 also works in a VM (VirtualBox 4.2.16, host OS: OS X, guest OS: Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3).
If you are indeed running 10.9, then this would be the culprit. I was running it as well (developer) and didn't get the menu bar. I rolled back to 10.8.5, and my menu bar for Arduino came right back.