Arduino TA0136 2 Wheel Drive Wiring Assistance

Hi guys,

I hope this is the right section, just got this for Christmas for my son and we're having trouble getting everything wired up correctly. As this is a basic model I assume there should really only be one way to do this but the diagrams aren't really clear for us to understand.

This is what we have -

This is the manual including wiring diagram on page 24-25 -

These are images of how it's been wired so far -

I can only assume I need something else connect to my switch for the 5V, but I also can't confirm if the right colours have been connected to the right part of the board. Please let me know if you can see anything obvious missing and I will attempt to get this going for my son.

Any help is appreciated, even if it's just a clear diagram.


Hmm, the only thing that jumped out at me was in the last picture: IMG 20171226 151604 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB where it looks like you have not connected ground to the middle of that 3-way screw terminal connector on the L298N board.

See the diagram on page 23 of that manual.


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Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.,148850.0.html

As @TonyWilk Double check the VMS and gnd wiring on page 23.

Tom.. :slight_smile: